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Delta: Bmj, infected vaccinated and not with the same viral load – Medicine

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The spread of the Delta variant threatens vaccination strategies aimed at herd immunity against Sars-cov-2. In fact, the same viral load was detected between vaccinated and unvaccinated who develop the infection. This is highlighted by an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) relating to the data that emerged from a recent outbreak in Massachusetts. In essence, vaccination, even if it remains highly protective, may not be enough on its own to stop the spread of the delta variant.

Tests conducted July 3-17 among Massachusetts residents during an outbreak in Provincetown, a popular vacation spot in the United States, found that 75 percent of infected people were fully vaccinated. “Among the vaccinated with infection, the difficulty of detecting the virus in nasal swabs (cycle threshold value) was almost identical to that seen in the unvaccinated. This finding suggests that both groups have the same viral load and are equally likely. to pass on their infections, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have warned. “

The findings support claims that vaccinated people are playing a role in the summer wave of delta variant infections and led the CDC to revert to the recommendation that vaccinated people wear masks indoors. But they confirm that the vaccine continues to offer strong protection against serious disease: Of the 346 vaccinated people who tested positive in the Provincetown outbreak, 79% were symptomatic and the sample genome test suggested that 90% had the delta variant. Four were hospitalized and none died.

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