Home » »Thomas Mann was also canceled from the University of Bonn in 1936«

»Thomas Mann was also canceled from the University of Bonn in 1936«

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»Thomas Mann was also canceled from the University of Bonn in 1936«

The political scientist Ulrike Guérot was part of the left-wing NGO network for years until she leaned too far out of the Overton window in 2021 with criticism of the Corona coercive measures and in 2022 with criticism of Ukraine politics. She lost her position at the University of Bonn at the end of 2022 due to allegedly fabricated allegations of plagiarism. In Munich she presented her new book “Endspiel Europa” – and also received criticism.

The lecture took place on June 1st. in Munich in the »Café Weitblick«, the event location of the Munich measures critics. The audience was older, more mature, free-spirited, probably more left-green, but in the last three years they have seen things from the “Left” and “Greens” that most say they never thought possible in Germany.

Yesterday, June 5, Ulrike Guérot pointed to the »reflection pages« a text on media defamation by the »Spiegel« with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi published. Since her Corona book »He who is silent agrees« she is revered and celebrated by the »Schwurbler scene«, as they proudly call themselves – but also criticized. The sect-like followerism that is often ascribed to the “sworn clerks” by writers loyal to the system is completely absent here.

On 10/25 the court hearing against the University of Bonn is taking place because of its (presumably politically motivated) dismissal, said Guérot to the applause of the system-critical audience. An archivist told her that Thomas Mann was also expelled from the University of Bonn under the Nazis in 1936 on the basis of fabricated allegations of plagiarism. “Of course I don’t want to compare myself to the great Thomas Mann,” says Guérot, “but I found that interesting.”

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Guérot was astonished to see how, after her criticism of »Proxy war« Washington’s in Ukraine was finally cancelled. Years of acquaintances and friends would have publicly pilloried her without even saying a word to her about it. According to Guérot, even papers from her that are several years old have been deleted from the websites of renowned institutions, “you can only find them in the archives now.”

However, the break with the University of Bonn is not her first experience with it Cancel Culture. Already in 2013 Guérot at the European Council on Foreign Relations quit because she had rejected the euro rescue policy at the expense of the allegedly “lazy” Greeks: “Actually, the European crisis was a crisis of the German banks.” As a reaction, the UN diplomat Stéphane Hessel wrote the book “Outraged!”, “Freely based on Tucholsky: All sovereignty emanates from the people – and will not come back anytime soon,” says Guérot.

As in her book with the philosopher Hauke ​​Ritz »Endgame Europe: Why the European political project failed and how we can dream of it again« Guérot describes in Munich why, in her opinion, the EU has failed and how the dream of a united Europe can be revived. Guérot has nothing to gain from the sovereign nation-state as the bastion of democracy and guarantor of civil rights. “I’m from the system,” she freely admits. And like so many Europe enthusiasts, she always seems to see the solution to all problems in more state, more Europe and more system.

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She is well aware of the structural deficits of the toothless simulation of democracy in the EU Parliament, which persuaded the British to opt for Brexit. However, Guérot sees the answer in a nebulous “European citizenship”, a “European republic” that sounds suspiciously like an EU superstate. While she warns of the “LePens and Orbáns” who threaten to “take power” in Europe, she seems to want nothing more than to be ruled by these neighboring states.

At the latest when Guérot calls for a “digital European identity card” with which one can pay digitally and travel by train from Stockholm to Barcelona, ​​the atmosphere of the three-year lockdown and 2G-Rules marked, unvaccinated free spirits in the audience. A few days ago, Guérot’s purse was stolen in the Paris Métro, she says, and she was surprised that she had to place the ad twice – once in Paris and then again in Frankfurt. The convinced European Guérot wonders why the German and French security authorities don’t keep in touch smoothly.

The contradiction of the »Schwurbler scene« follows immediately. “Three years ago I would have agreed with you completely,” said one questioner. “But I’ve experienced things in the last three years that make me happy if the security authorities don’t know everything about me.”

Guérot takes good note of the criticism from the audience. She hopes that the answer to the question will come from »technical solutions« and »blockchain«, which nobody is really satisfied with. It turns out that despite all her admirable intellectual courage, Ulrike Guérot is more of a »system critic« than a »system critic«.

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At heart, Guérot remains a pro-state leftist—but one that also criticizes the establishment and listens to the “other side.” And that’s valuable enough these days.

Ulrike Guérot: »Endgame Europe: Why the European political project failed and how we can dream of it again«

Also read:

Jeffrey Sachs: »Negotiations are key to peace in Ukraine«

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