Home » Health insurance as a soldier – 3 reasons why you should take out additional insurance

Health insurance as a soldier – 3 reasons why you should take out additional insurance

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Health insurance as a soldier – 3 reasons why you should take out additional insurance

Kees Finanzberater GmbH & Co. KG

Braunschweig (ots)

For the duration of their service in the Bundeswehr, all soldiers benefit from free unit medical care, which covers the most important services of private comprehensive health insurance. However, not only the medical service of the Bundeswehr is used – in emergencies the protection also extends to treatment by resident doctors and civilian hospitals.

“Although the military medical care forms a solid basis, it is still not sufficient,” warns insurance professional Enis Eisfeld. “Insurance doesn’t cover some cases, including dentures — and it can be difficult for the family, too.” Thanks to his daily work with emergency services, the founder of blaulichtversichert.de knows the peculiarities and risks of everyday soldier life and knows why a simple standard protection is not enough. In this article, he is happy to name the 3 most important reasons why it is essential for soldiers to take out additional insurance wisely.

Reason 1: Your own health care

1. Dentures and visual aids

Although unit medical care offers comprehensive coverage, there are areas that are not covered. Dentures and visual aids in particular can result in high costs that are not covered by basic care. In such cases, additional health insurance can be a useful addition to minimize the financial risk.

2. Inpatient elective services

In the case of inpatient treatment in a civilian hospital, soldiers are usually only accommodated in shared rooms as part of the unit medical care. If you want more comfort and more privacy, you can achieve this with supplementary health insurance that covers single or double rooms. Treatment by a chief physician can also be covered by such supplementary insurance.

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Reason 2: protecting the family

Family members of soldiers are not automatically protected by unit medical care. Both spouses and children should therefore always have their own health insurance. Private or statutory health insurance is the solution here to protect the entire family against health risks.

For family members of soldiers, special tariffs can also be offered in private health insurance or statutory health insurance, which are tailored to the special needs of soldiers’ families. It is worth comparing the different offers in order to find the best coverage for the family.

Reason 3: provision for the time after the army

1. Return to statutory health insurance

After leaving the armed forces, it is not always easy to be accepted back into statutory health insurance (GKV). Older soldiers, in particular, may have difficulty obtaining a GKV contract that meets their needs. Private health insurance can be an alternative in this case. In order to make the switch easier, it is advisable to find out about the various options at an early stage and to choose suitable insurance for the time after service.

2. Retirement provision and disability

However, health protection is not the only precaution that soldiers should take. Appropriate retirement provision and protection against occupational disability are also important aspects that must be taken into account as part of comprehensive financial provision planning. Special insurance, such as disability insurance or private pension insurance, can help to ensure financial security even after leaving the armed forces.


Overall, it can be seen that unit medical care provides basic protection for soldiers, but is incomplete in some areas. In order to ensure comprehensive protection during and after service, soldiers should find out about additional supplementary health insurance, protection for their family members and precautionary measures for the time after the Bundeswehr.

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About blue light insurance:

Enis Eisfeld and Kolja Schneider are the founders of Blaulichtversichert.de – a project of Kees Finanzberater GmbH & Co.KG. Many of the team around blue light insurance are or were police officers. You know the risks and special features of the people who contribute to the stabilization of society every day in public service. Whether teachers, fire brigade, rescue service or police – the blue light insurance team specializes in protecting these professional groups. More information at: https://www.blaulichtversicherungt.de/

Press contact:

Kees Finanzberater GmbH & Co. KG.
Represented by: Kolja Schneider & Enis Eisfeld
Website: https://kees-finanzberater.de/
E-Mail: info (at) kees-finanzberater.de

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer
[email protected]

Original content from: Kees Finanzberater GmbH & Co. KG, transmitted by news aktuell

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