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“They were lovers, but I only killed him”

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“They were lovers, but I only killed him”

The honor and the scuorno. Respect, revenge and blood: along the lines of a rustic tragedy, a chilling family showdown took place yesterday morning in Sant’Antimo, a suburb north of Naples, which resulted in two deaths: Luigi Cammisa, 29-year-old construction worker, married and father of two, and his sister-in-law Maria Brigida Pesacane, 24, also a mother of two children. Violence and blood break out at dawn in the same town where she was born Julia Tramontanothe 29-year-old seven months pregnant, murdered in Senago by her partner “stressed” by a double life of deceit, lies and betrayals.

The 44-year-old is the author of the double crime Raffaele Caiazzo: a worm was stirring in his mind which gnawed and dug to the end, leading him to commit the double murder. He was convinced that Luigi and Maria, his son-in-law and daughter-in-law respectively, had established a sentimental relationship. These thoughts turned into a fatal obsession, and yesterday morning – around half past six – the man waited for Luigi to leave the house in via Diaz to go to work, and shot him down four times; immediately afterwards he got back into the car to reach Pesacane’s home (in via Caruso, not far from the place of the first murder) knowing that he would find her alone because her son, who lived with the young woman, had already left. He knocked on the door and emptied another magazine at her: in a small room not far away, her two little children, aged two and four, were sleeping.

The previous and subsequent gunshots had already triggered the alarm of some neighbors, who called the police; but when the soldiers of Giugliano’s company arrived (directed by Captain Matthew Alborghetti), there were no more traces of the murderer. Caiazzo wandered for over two hours, while the military hunted him throughout the northern Neapolitan area, even with the overflight of a helicopter. In the end, around lunchtime, he turned himself in by presenting himself at the police station in Gricignano d’Aversa.

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In front of the Prosecutor of Naples North lojodice the 44-year-old immediately appeared confused. He admitted to the first murder, claiming he doesn’t remember anything that happened after. Digging into the past of this man devastated by the idea of ​​the scuorno – of an unbearable shame in the face of a relationship between brothers-in-law of his family (I suspect that in all probability he finds no foundation) – one finds only a few small precedents that go back even to when he was a minor: “But I – he told the investigators – started having problems with drugs when I was 12…”.

He therefore admitted to having shot his son-in-law, declaring that his mind was full of shadows about what he did afterwards. But then he provided what is almost certainly the key to everything: «Last night (Wednesday, ed) I had yet another argument with my son. I know that “those two” had a relationship, but my family never wanted to listen to me – said Caiazzo – And yet I saw Luigi go up to Maria’s house three times… but they didn’t listen to me: and last night my son threatened me: “Dad, if you don’t stop with this paranoia, if you continue to insinuate these falsehoods, then I won’t let you see our children anymore!”».
Here, the short circuit in the already confused mind of the murderer would have been triggered in the face of the risk of losing the grandchildren. But that umpteenth reproach, instead of leading him to reason, led him to close the accounts in his own way. With the pistol, to punish the alleged cheaters.

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At the end of the interrogation, which lasted three and a half hours and took place in the presence of the defense attorney, the criminal lawyer Luigi Ciocio, the prosecutor signed the arrest warrant for Caiazzo, now accused of double voluntary homicide. There are still some empty boxes: the gun has not been found, there is still no confession of the second crime. Difficult that the first night in Poggioreale prison can clear his head. And pending the imminent validation hearing in which the investigating judge will be called to validate the detention under arrest, there is only one most tragic certainty: the absurd death of two young people murdered without fault, and their children left without mom and dad .

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