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Jose Penuela

June 12, 2023 – 5:00 AM

‘Suicide Tale’

Faced with the death of Police Colonel Óscar Dávila, the former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt pointed out that “No one believes that suicide story. The driver must be investigated. Very rare that he leaves the armored car for a minute and they kill his boss. We have to find the truth.”

let the truth shine

the retired general Juan Carlos Buitrago said “As a police officer and General of the Republic, I have received many messages from those who have a broken soul due to the death of Colonel Dávila. They ask me to move all efforts, without rest for urgent justice. ‘The lie shines, until the truth appears’, and it is a weapon of corruption. I extend call!

‘Everything stinks’

The Senator of the Democratic Center, Paola Holguinindicated that “Everything smells bad… Threats to the press, attacks on the division of powers (Prosecutor’s Office, Courts and Congress, shots, a dead Colonel, illegal retention and polygraph of employees with false reports linking them to the Clan del Golfo, recordings and chats with issues of illegal and unreported financing, officials announcing that they deliver charges in exchange for votes for reforms, Pact of La Picota, Diplomacy in favor of the dictator Maduro and tulas of silver in cash.

political package

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the analyst Juan Carlos Florez notes that “Claudia López was one of the biggest political packages. When leftism was on the rise, she camouflaged herself as a leftist to win the mayoralty. He was close to going out to throw stones. And now that she believes that right-wing is on the rise, she’s turned right-wing. Opportunist!”.

Eye to Legal Medicine

the former senator gustavo bolivar warned that “The director of Legal Medicine is appointed by the Attorney General. As the entity has become politicized, doubts arise. On two occasions I passed a bill to give autonomy to Legal Medicine, making it independent from the Prosecutor’s Office. They sank. Today more than ever this project is valid. We hope that Legal Medicine delivers the results of the autopsy on Colonel Dávila. The government cannot continue carrying that cloak of doubt that they want to carry at all times.

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