Home » The last photo of Berlusconi. The ice lolly with Fascina in Milano 2 and the children

The last photo of Berlusconi. The ice lolly with Fascina in Milano 2 and the children

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The last photo of Berlusconi.  The ice lolly with Fascina in Milano 2 and the children

The last photo of Silvio Berlusconi

Berlusconi, his last farewell to Milan 2 and unpublished shots

Silvio Berlusconibefore the last hospitalization at St. Raphael that led to his death, he wanted to do something unusual for a man of power like him. He went to a bar at Milano 2 with his Martha fascinates and asked for a table with lake viewor. Was a last farewell in his Segrate that of Friday 9 June, a last icicle – we read in Repubblica – in front of his statue shortly before being hospitalized at the San Raffaele hospital. “It was around 2, 2.30 when Silvio Berlusconi arrived, we had just finished the lunch shift”, says Massimiliano Albanese, the owner of the Maximilian bistro, the room overlooking the pond of swans in Milan 2.

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Berlusconi – continues Repubblica – he asked for a table with a lake view for him and his partner Marta Fascina, accompanied by bodyguards, and they ordered popsicles. “Initially there was nobody in the room, then as the customers arrived they approached Berlusconi to ask for a photo together and he was very friendly and helpful”. – continues Albanese – “He also took a picture with my 7-year-old son, he joked with him and they almost seemed familiar“.

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