Home » What to do before, during and after donating blood: everything you need to know

What to do before, during and after donating blood: everything you need to know

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What to do before, during and after donating blood: everything you need to know

Blood donation: such a noble gesture that it needs practical guidance. Here’s everything you need to know.

Donating blood is a gesture of high ethical value and we all should do it because it’s also convenient. In fact, donating blood not only helps many people who suffer, but also allows us to have a small free blood test, which is still a good saving these days.

Donating blood is a gesture of great value: we reveal all the tricks to do it safely – grantennistoscana.it

It is enough to think of these two very important reasons to understand that donating blood is truly something that cannot be renounced. In this article we will reveal all the essential things to do in relation to this gesture so useful to others and also to yourself.

The first thing you need to do is book an appointment. A useful tip is to sleep well the night before the donation and also to be well hydrated. Doctors recommend the consumption of approx 470ml of water more the day before the appointment. Another helpful tip is to not take aspirin until two days before the fight.

A good tip can also be to get a friend to donate with you, so you can go together to support each other and there will be more blood donated too. The day of the appointment is important not to forget identity card and health card.

Practical advice for donating blood comfortably and safely

It is also useful to carry a list of all drugs that you take regularly or even that you have taken on and off but recently. You may want to wear a t-shirt or other short-sleeved clothing. In general, it’s best to wear something that rolls easily over the elbows. In fact, when the nurse takes your blood it will be easier to facilitate her task. You should be relaxed when taking blood.

It is best to be relaxed when drawing blood
During the collection it is important to relax perhaps even chatting with other donors – grantennistoscana.it

A good idea is to listen to music, to read a book or even perhaps to have a chat with the doctor or other donors. Being serene while donating blood will help you keep your blood pressure under control and lower the risk of side effects such as fainting. Many are afraid of passing out during the test, but in reality this almost never happens and the more relaxed you are, the better.

What to do after donating blood

After donating blood, relax for a few minutes and have a nice snack. A hearty snack will help you pull yourself together and make you feel energetic again. You don’t have to remove the bandage right away, but you have to wear it for a few hours. It is best to clean the area around the injection well with soap and water.

After donating blood it is better to avoid efforts
If you feel dizzy after donating it is better to relax – grantennistoscana.it

If the donor site begins to bleed, apply pressure and hold your arm up for about ten minutes. Doctors advise to do not do strenuous exercise and not to carry very heavy objects throughout the day. It could also happen that you feel dizzy or lightheaded and in this case it is best to lie down until you feel better. If they continue despite you lying down for a while, you should see your doctor.

The precautions to be calm and avoid unwanted effects

Good advice is to drink four more glasses of fluids and avoid alcohol for the next 24 hours. To consume iron-rich foods it may be a good idea because in this way the lost one will be reintegrated with the levy. If you have any doubts about donating blood or if you believe that some of your particular physiological conditions may advise against it, you should consult your doctor first.

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You cannot donate blood if your physical conditions do not allow it
Rest assured: you will not be allowed to donate blood if this may be incompatible with your physical conditions – grantennistoscana.it

In any case, the doctors who will take the blood will ask you all the useful questions and if there is any incompatibility on your part to donate, you will never be subjected to it.

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