Home » Gustavo Bolívar came out to defend Petro and spoke of a coup and civil war

Gustavo Bolívar came out to defend Petro and spoke of a coup and civil war

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Gustavo Bolívar came out to defend Petro and spoke of a coup and civil war

In the midst of the controversy that has been generated around the death of Colonel Óscar Dávila, who would have been involved in the scandal of the “chuzadas” that has as protagonists the former head of the Government Cabinet Laura Sarabia and her son’s former babysitter , Marelbys Meza, a witness who spoke with the officer days before his death and made controversial statements involving President Gustavo Petro. Faced with the issue, Gustavo Bolívar sent a message of support to the president.

On the morning of Thursday, April 15, the former senator stated through his social networks the reason for the alleged accusations: “The relentless LawFare mounted against Pte Petro has one objective: to delegitimize him, sow doubts about his honesty so that he can declare himself disabled. to send the short list to the Court to choose the new Prosecutor”, began his message.

“The right dreams of continuing to run the Prosecutor’s Office. Let them continue dreaming because the only way to prevent it is by breaking the Constitution, carrying out a coup that would condemn us to a new civil war, ”Bolívar added on his Twitter account.

Immediately, the reactions did not wait: “The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation does not investigate the President of the Republic. It is done by the Committee on Impeachments of the House of Representatives. Sending the shortlist for Prosecutor is a constitutional competence that no one can take away. Do not make things up”; “For this they would have to modify the constitution of 91. As long as the shortlist is qualified and they meet the conditions for the position, they must choose the prosecutor, whoever it hurts, the shortlist belongs to Petro”; “We must now turn our backs in the October elections on everyone who has turned their backs on the reforms”; were some of the messages.

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It must be taken into account that Gustavo Petro is in Germany advancing his diplomatic visit, he came forward and in the face of these questions he presented his version, denying said affirmations and arguing that they seek to destabilize his mandate.

Through a statement, the Colombian president assured that he has never seen a sum similar to 3,000 million pesos, referring to the complaint made by Semana magazine. In this case, the president argues that the source revealed by the medium in question is false, since he cannot even identify himself and tries to defame by pointing to him.

“Never in my life have I even seen the amount of money claimed by an anonymous source and used by journalist Vicky Dávila for a publication in Semana magazine. Therefore, the statements delivered by an alleged unidentified source, in which I am associated with large sums of cash, are false. These statements, which are difficult to prove due to their anonymous nature, are defamatory in spirit,” the president stated.

In the same way, the president of the Colombians ruled that he has managed to establish friendship ties with the owners of the aforementioned magazine; however, despite their economic power, he has never tried to take advantage of their possibilities and has even always urged to promote concepts of transparency.

“I have had a friendship with the owners of Semana magazine, who have participated in different businesses in the country, from which neither as a congressman nor as President have I taken any kind of benefit. The owners of the magazine themselves are first-rate witnesses of my honor and I have also shown it to them, for example, during my debate as a young parliamentarian on the merger between Banco de Colombia and Banco Industrial Colombiano. Nor did I take advantage during the negotiations between the Gilinski Group and the Antioqueño Business Group, where, on the contrary, I always asked for an agreement to be reached in transparency.” with Infobae

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