Home » Is watermelon really fattening? Here’s how much sugar a single slice contains

Is watermelon really fattening? Here’s how much sugar a single slice contains

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Is watermelon really fattening?  Here’s how much sugar a single slice contains

Watermelon is the fruit that best represents summer, colorful and super refreshing. But every year the same question arises: does watermelon make you fat? There is a lot of news around about it, but what is the truth? Let’s find out more about this fruit.

The watermelon

We are now in estate and if I were to ask you which fruit best represents the season, you would surely answer me the watermelon. Yes indeed she with her beauty red and succulent pulp, it is the undisputed symbol of hot summer days. Of course with it you can create endless preparations, from sorbets to ice creams to simple juices, but a beautiful one fresh watermelon slice it is absolutely the best regenerator against the summer heat.

Does watermelon make you fat?-wineandfoodtour.it

However, the question that arises every summer is: does watermelon make you fat? The natural sweetness of this fruit means that it is often viewed badly and labeled as a fruit that makes you fat. But are things really like this? Let’s discover together the properties of this fruit and its sugar levels.

Watermelon properties

Like almost all fruits with a red and orange color, watermelon is also rich in beta-carotene, forerunner of vitamin A This carotenoid is also a valuable antioxidant and together with lycopene, zeaxanthin and lutein, they perform an excellent fight against oxidative stress and counteract free radicals. To these also joins the vitamin C excellent help and support for our immune system.

Watermelon, ally of our body

Watermelon, an ally of our body-wineandfoodtour.it

The large presence of water in watermelon (93%) make it a valuable aid during the hot summers, but also a diuretic natural. This action favors the elimination of harmful waste from our body. It doesn’t end here, in the watermelon we also find the potassium, which is an ally of our heart, in fact prevents changes in blood pressure. After seeing this roundup of positives, the question remains the same. Watermelon has many beneficial properties, but does it make you fat? Let’s see the answer in detail.

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Does watermelon make you fat?

We are right to the dreaded answer, Does watermelon make you fat? We assume that all excesses are wrong, so if we eat a whole watermelon we are wrong a priori. But let’s examine the values ​​of sugars and carbohydrates within this fruit. 100 g of watermelon contain less than 4 grams of sugars, this value makes watermelon one of the low glycemic index fruits. It can therefore also be consumed by those suffering from diabetes. But what about carbohydrates? All fruits contain carbohydratesbut watermelon has only one 8g for every 100g of fruit, very low value that watermelon ranks first among the recommended fruits.

Watermelon is not fattening

Watermelon does not make you fat-wineandfoodtour.it

So we can answer the question with a blunt NO! Watermelon does not make you fat, on the contrary it is an excellent aid for the diet, as it has a great satiating power, is rich in water and therefore stimulates diuresis and the elimination of waste, and has few sugars and carbohydrates. Not only that, watermelon is also very low in calories, just 30 Kcal ogni 100gr. We can therefore say that watermelon is the best ally against weight loss.

So let’s use it to create delicious sorbets, freezing pieces of watermelon and blending them if necessary. Or delicious refreshing drinks, or detox water. There are so many preparations with these fruits, give vent to your imagination and enjoy this delicious fruit to the fullest.

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