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Jungle spirits stayed with the dog Wilson?

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Jungle spirits stayed with the dog Wilson?

After the rescue of the four minors who were lost in the jungles of Guaviare, this week the search by the authorities focused on the search for the rescue dog named Wilson who was lost in the operation carried out in the area.

There are many hypotheses that are woven around why the dog does not appear.

One of them would be due to the climatic conditions of the place, which would have caused the canine to become disoriented.

Another, they say, is that the same thing could have happened to Wilson as to Ulises, another rescue dog who had to be taken out of the jungle because he got a bacterial infection, possibly from a mosquito bite.

In addition, in that sector of the jungle there are jaguars and tigers, so it could face another animal to defend itself.

Although Wilson is neutered, they have led the search for a dog in heat because, according to what they said, any attempt is valid.

In recent days, the hypothesis put forward by the indigenous peoples of Cauca, who affirmed that the dog “remained as an offering” to the spirits of the jungle and was exchanged for the children, has gained strength.

The indigenous people, who have already returned to Popayán where the Cauca Regional Indigenous Committee paid them homage, affirmed that “Wilson was exchanged, he remained as an offering for the spirits that had the children.”


At a press conference in the capital of Cauca, Jesús Dagua, one of the members of the search team that traveled to Guaviare, said that “we hope that through spiritual conversation he will be able to get out. The Amazonian peoples are also involved in it, because it is a life and the guard must strive for the lives of all”.

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The rescued minors, who are recovering in a Bogotá hospital, drew Wilson and claimed to have been with them but later disappeared.

The indigenous group affirmed that they never saw Wilson the dog, which got lost in the middle of the operation to rescue the minors.

In this sense, Dairo Gabriel Kurumariteque, one of the indigenous people of Putumayo who was in the search team for the minors, assured that “in the days when we were touring the area where the children were possibly, we did not see the dog Wilson.”

The indigenous rescuer stated that initially 93 indigenous people entered the jungle to search for the missing children, in recent days only 17 continued to support the work.


On the other hand, in a statement, the National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon, Opiac, requested that the State guarantee economic stability and education until they are adults, of the rescued minors.

In a preliminary report they said that when they were found by the six indigenous people who located them, they asked them for food, but they could not give them any food until they were evaluated by medical personnel.

The National Organization of the indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon announced that they will be the ones through statements that will be reporting on the evolution of the minors who are recovering in the Central Military Hospital of Bogotá.

As will be remembered, the minors survived a plane crash in the jungles of Guaviare for forty days.

During that time they were searched for by air and land and when they were found they had symptoms of malnutrition and insect bites.

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Once found, the community has asked the authorities not to leave Wilson in the jungle, so the search continues.

The Civil Defense, which is also looking for Wilson, has expressed optimism in the search for the dog.

Carlos Villegas, a member of the Civil Defense and one of the participants in the operation, assured that Wilson is trained for search work but they do not rule out that he could have suffered some affectation that would make him afraid of entering the jungle again.

Villegas said that the dog may still be alive, as he stressed that the jungle has enough water, as well as other animals that it could hunt for food, although he does not know if Wilson has a hunting instinct.

Also read: Army saved dog bitten by snake


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