Home » How to rectify the rebound of the “four winds” problem?Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels take action_Southern Net

How to rectify the rebound of the “four winds” problem?Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels take action_Southern Net

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How to rectify the rebound of the “four winds” problem?Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels take action_Southern Net

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and the discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels are focusing on the “four winds” that are prone to occur frequently during the holidays, and carry out open and unannounced visits to strengthen supervision and discipline enforcement.

In the past few days, the discipline inspection and supervision agencies in Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places, in conjunction with taxation and market supervision departments, have carried out open and unannounced visits to shopping malls, high-end gift shops, gas stations, government canteens, farmhouses and other places to strictly investigate violations of eating and drinking. Organizing and accepting banquets in hidden places, using electronic red envelopes and express logistics to “give gifts across the air”, organizing weddings and funerals in violation of regulations, and using public vehicles for private use are prone to frequent “four winds” problems during holidays.

Keeping an eye on important time points and carrying out supervision and inspection on a regular basis has become an important measure for the discipline inspection and supervision agencies to maintain the high-pressure situation of correcting the “four winds”. During the May Day Dragon Boat Festival this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission opened a special area for supervision and reporting on the official website, and exposed a total of 20 typical cases in four phases. Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels also continue to unblock the supervision channels of the masses, strengthen the collection of clues to problems, strictly investigate and quickly deal with typical problems, and strictly prevent the rebound of bad styles.

Song Wei, deputy director of the Beijing Research Base for Clean Government Construction:The holiday atmosphere is an important window for cadres and the masses to observe the party’s style and government style. Before and after the node, party members and leading cadres are often hindered by the so-called favors and face, relax their requirements, accept banquets, gifts, or hold weddings and funerals. The “four winds” problem on the node is also prone to rebound. Therefore, we must keep an eye on the nodes, connect the dots into a line, and work for a long time, so as to continue to win the trust and trust of the masses with the continued improvement of the festival atmosphere.

Be alert to the rebound of the “four winds”

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The bad style is stubborn and repetitive. Recently, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have successively notified hundreds of violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations investigated and dealt with by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Looking at the specific situation, some issues prohibited by the central government’s repeated orders and five orders are still recurring.

In April of this year, the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was promoted to review and investigate and guide the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. It seriously investigated and publicly notified six party members and leading cadres, including members of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, members of the provincial government’s party group, and Secretary-General Shi Cunwu. , Seriously violated the spirit of the eight central regulations during the training course for the main leading cadres of the party and government in Qinghai Province to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In this notification, the National Supervisory Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that judging from the investigation and handling of cases in recent years, the problem of illegal eating and drinking has a high risk of rebounding among various “four winds” problems, and some places and units still have problems such as eating and drinking with public funds. Disciplinary violations still occur from time to time, and invisible mutations grow secretly.

Song Wei, deputy director of the Beijing Research Base for Clean Government Construction:Shi Cunwu and others are the “top leaders” in important positions. Just after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded, the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee comprehensively studied, publicized and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and held study and training courses. They took the lead in violating the eight central regulations and mental violations Gathering for dinner and drinking, causing serious consequences and bad influences, is a typical example of disregarding the central government’s repeated orders to stand up to wind and discipline. Violators of discipline and law and relevant responsible units are severely dealt with, which is the price that should be paid for ignoring discipline, disregarding rules, and touching the red line.

Putting on the coat of “compliance” and the issue of “four winds” have changed from bright to dark

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In addition to wine and dinner, many “four winds” issues have turned from light to dark, and put on a seemingly compliant cloak. Some party members and cadres forged the training plan and the list of participants, and traveled with public funds in the name of training; Passed on to the management service object. For example, Yang Jianchun, a former member of the Party Committee of Taiyang Town, Lin’an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, not only received high-end cigarettes and alcohol from management and service objects many times, but also had the management and service objects pay labor wages, material costs, Transportation fees, etc., totaled more than 26,000 yuan. At present, Yang Jianchun has been expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and his suspected crimes have been transferred to the judiciary for handling.

Some party members and cadres seriously seek special treatment

In addition, under the current high-pressure situation of rectifying the “four winds”, there are still some party members and cadres who have a serious idea of ​​privilege and try their best to seek special treatment. For example, Zhou Quanfu, the former first-level inspector of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice, from November 2011 to November 2016, served as the head of the criminal investigation team of the Provincial Public Security Department, member of the Standing Committee of the Bijie Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Public Security Bureau. Remuneration, long-term use of staff from other units in violation of regulations to act as its driver and serve him. At the same time, Zhou Quanfu also had other serious violations of discipline and law. He was expelled from the party and public office, and his suspected crimes were transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

Ideological decline, interest coercion leads to violation of discipline and law

So why are these “four winds” problems repeatedly banned? What should be corrected?

Sun Dawei, deputy secretary-general of the China Anti-corruption Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:The reasons why the “four winds” are banned and repeated under the high-pressure situation are complex and multi-faceted. However, the root cause is that some party members and cadres have problems with the master switch of world outlook, outlook on life, and values. In particular, some leading cadres have serious privilege thoughts, divorced from the people, deviated from their original mission, and ruined the party’s style and government style.

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In addition to ideological decline, the exchange of interests hidden behind the “four winds” is often an important factor that coerces party members and cadres to violate discipline and law.

Two days before the May Day Dragon Boat Festival, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Committee publicly notified ten cases of violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations. Behavior. From the specific situation, these party members and cadres who have been punished often have violations of discipline by using their powers to benefit others. For example, Sun Yuanliang, former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the CPPCC Liaoning Provincial Committee, “violated organizational principles, used public equipment for private use, and benefited others in the selection and appointment of cadres, seriously damaging the political ecology of the area and unit where he worked”; the former vice chairman of the Beijing CPPCC Yu Luming “took advantage of his position to make profits for others in land transfer, project approval, project contracting, etc., and illegally accepted huge amounts of property.”

Sun Dawei, deputy secretary-general of the China Anti-corruption Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:On the one hand, some party members, cadres, and public officials use dinner as a carrier platform for the purpose of accumulating contacts, getting closer to each other, and facilitating affairs. and other political purposes. On the other hand, some party members, cadres, and public officials accept banquets from management and service targets and private business owners. He lost his vigilance and slipped step by step into the quagmire of interest blending and power-for-money transactions.

In response to the intertwining of work style and corruption, discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels have also thoroughly investigated the problems of interest blending and power-money transactions behind the “four winds”, and comprehensively used party discipline and government affairs sanctions, organizational handling, etc. to deal with them severely; at the same time, Continue to name and report typical cases, strengthen warnings and deterrence, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to be in awe, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line.

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