Home » The EU Parliament passes the world’s first AI law

The EU Parliament passes the world’s first AI law

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The EU Parliament passes the world’s first AI law

No mass surveillance à la China: This is how the EU wants to rein in artificial intelligence

The EU wants to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens with the world‘s first AI law. Another question is whether regulation can keep up with the rapid development of technology.

Horror scenario: real-time facial recognition using artificial intelligence, as is widespread in China.

Bild: Keystone

No other topic is currently turning the technology world upside down like artificial intelligence (AI). New AI programs and applications are constantly being created at a breathtaking pace, surpassing each other in terms of their performance and potentially having a drastic impact on our society. The text robot ChatGPT, which spits out entire newspaper articles or poems by long-dead authors at the push of a button, is the most harmless variant.

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