Home » Who has earned (and continues to earn) from TheBorderline videos

Who has earned (and continues to earn) from TheBorderline videos

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Who has earned (and continues to earn) from TheBorderline videos

Five days after Manuel’s death, TheBorderline videos continue to be a massive money machine. They are all still there. The popularity of YouTubers has increased after the Casalpalocco tragedy. Their message of condolence and the promise not to make any more videos does not change anything in substance. They continue to make hundreds of thousands of views, from curious, new fans and outraged. Clicks that continue to turn into revenue.

“These days, the monetization of that content is perfectly active,” explains Matteo Flora, one of the leading internet experts in Italy. “It’s because The Borderline chose it themselves, without a doubt. But also Google, which earns money from those videos. The authors of the videos continue to earn, and 50% of their earnings continue to go to Google, which evidently has no problem in collecting 50% for those contents, even knowing that they are made by authors who in the end killed to make them. a child,” he reasons.

The money machine keeps turning. TheBorderline and advertisers

The money machine keeps turning. And it is based on principles so simple that they first become commonly accepted, then unstoppable. The Borderline are a plastic representation of it.

The dumber the videos, the more they are viewed. The more they are seen, the more they attract advertisements. The more they attract advertising, the more money they put into circulation. The more money they put into circulation, the greater their ability to attract others. The more money moves, the more the videos capable of making them become dangerous, stupid, very popular, and induce imitators to do the same. Enlarging the circle and its perpetual motion. That doesn’t seem to find a stop, an end. Not even in front of one of the most difficult tragedies to accept.

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But it’s not just The Borderline and Google that are still making money from those videos. “They continue to somehow keep advertisers profiting. The Borderline’s videos continue to be advertised by dozens of companies. Why? Hard to say that they do it on purpose because they know that now those videos are much more viewed than before. But still many have not stopped advertising on that content. Today, any company or advertising agency can stop ads on particular YouTube pages,” adds Flora.

Just open an incognito window and launch the link of one of The Borderline videos. Advertisement at the beginning, after starting, halfway through the videos keep stopping to play. Companies of all types. Ready to access that treasure trove of page followers. 600,000 at the moment. 30,000 arrived after the Casalpalocco tragedy.

The Borderline’s latest video. But the advertising remains

The Borderline have released their latest video. They apologize to the broken family for their stunt. They say they won’t make any more videos. 226 thousand views. “Zero” comments, perhaps because blocked. But everything still remains there, days later, to bear witness to what had been done by them. All videos accessible even to those under the age of 13. Which has guaranteed them excellent income. Made popular, somehow rich, living 50 hours in a car, or a cardboard box, or a mini raft. Where there are advertisements. And millions of clicks.

“If I were one of those brands that is currently sponsoring the channel, I would be ashamed like a thief,” concludes Flora. But shame, deep repentance, which goes to the root of what happened, does not seem at the moment a feeling capable of carving out a space for itself in this story.

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