Home » Sweat dermatitis (or sweat dermatitis): symptoms and effective remedies

Sweat dermatitis (or sweat dermatitis): symptoms and effective remedies

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Sweat dermatitis (or sweat dermatitis): symptoms and effective remedies

The sweat dermatitis, as the name suggests, is triggered by the irritating action of the liquid produced by the sweat glands. It manifests itself with a sudden “brand”, ie an itchy rash. This ailment, obviously, appears above all in the summer, a period in which we sweat more.

In this article

Sweat dermatitis: where and how it occurs

In fairness we have to talk about sweat dermatitis, because there are different types.

First there are those located in areas where you sweat a lotlike them armpits and thegroin, essentially due to an increased proliferation of bacteria and fungi that normally live on our skin. These microorganisms, especially in the folds of the skin, can cause asymptomatic red patches which can then also become itchy and smelly. Then there is one more generalized sweat dermatitiswhich mainly affects the area of ​​the stemboth front and rear. In these cases the ducts of the sweat glands and the follicles from which sweat comes out become inflamed due to the overwork, triggering a skin reaction (called “sudamina”) characterized by reddened pustules with a yellowish head, similar to acne pimples.

Those most at risk

They are especially at risk sportsmen who sweat a lot during exercise and wear technical fabrics that are not perfectly breathable. But the problem also concerns i childrenwho wear diapers, and the elderly confined to bed or chair. By moving little and wearing slightly occlusive clothes, they sweat more, especially in the groin area, and the situation can be further complicated by bacterial contamination in case of poor personal hygiene, for example if incontinence pads are not changed timely.

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How long do the symptoms last?

The symptoms of sweat dermatitis resolve spontaneously, without the use of specific treatments. However, some simple measures can be taken to prevent this disorder and not aggravate it where it is already present.

Wear light and breathable clothessuch as cotton ones, especially during exercise Hold the clean and fresh skinusing non-irritating cleansers but with an antiseptic component to disinfect the affected areas
Avoid applying talcum powder, which favors the obstruction of the pores and prevents the skin from breathing. Do not pierce the vesicles or handle the scabs: you risk aggravating the inflammation. Apply ointments with natural ingredients with marked soothing and emollient properties, such as calendulachamomile, thealoe verato lavender.

These precautions are generally sufficient to combat sweat, while localized dermatitis are generally more persistent. To resolve the situation you need to contact your doctor or pharmacist in order to choose the most appropriate therapy, such as a ointment with antibiotic and antifungal action.

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