Home » Aquarius, keep away from trouble: today’s horoscope, Wednesday 21 June

Aquarius, keep away from trouble: today’s horoscope, Wednesday 21 June

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Today’s Blackbeard horoscope, Wednesday 21 June

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

To lift the mood, today the Moon in Leo intervenes with a decisive attitude, which, by stimulating self-esteem, gives you a smiling Wednesday. The creative ideas and the ambition you bring into play are excellent. An assiduous commitment guarantees concrete results.

Tour. 21/4 – 20/5

Today that the White Lady looks at you sideways, daily duties cost you effort and others, instead of giving you a hand, seem to hinder you. Realize that it can be the feeling of going in circles without hitting the target that makes you nervous.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

At work, study the situation carefully: you will identify the right moves to make the initiatives more agile and more easily achievable. Loving serenity is within your heart’s reach, if you know how to value the feeling and don’t take anything for granted.

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

The Sun enters your sign and opens the door to summer. New horizons open up before you. Listen to your inner voice. Intuition and inventiveness to deal with commitments and tests of a certain thickness with greater confidence.

Leone. 23/7 – 23/8

In routine activities you proceed, while the immediate realization of objectives is more complex. Head shots are not recommended. Keep in check the urge to spend and spread. Check the family budget. Love marks time.

Virgin. 24/8 – 22/9

The career proceeds quickly, indeed more, it takes on an accelerated pace. Freelancers make progress, they have the esteem of those who count. Clarify a controversial issue, develop an idea using your natural discernment.

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Balance. 23/9 – 22/10

Invitations and surprises will brighten the hours. Vitality, enthusiasm, communication. Ideal atmosphere to give vent to the desire for worldliness. Good chances of realizing an important project that will satisfy personal ambitions and inclinations.

Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11

You are supported by the optimism of the will, despite the circumstances working against you. Reasoning calmly produces good results. Try to avoid overtly conflicting events and be generous with those around you.

Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12

The day is a succession of small and large confirmations in the profession, in love and in society. Incisivity, bite, persuasive force. If you want to ensure useful support, dictate your conditions, they will be accepted blindfolded.

Capricorn. 22/12 – 20/1

Forcefully torn from the strange fantasies of the previous days, become today’s active protagonists. Show off a winning attitude. Routine work. A good organization will allow you to overcome any inconvenience.

Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2

Stay out of trouble! It is not worth stubbornly stubbornly discussing matters of principle. You have important goals to reach, concentrate in that direction. Tendency not to follow the usual rules and limitations, and to want to get out of everyday life at all costs.

Pesci. 20/2 – 20/3

Adjust your schedule and follow up on wanderlust or new interests, now that commitments, thank goodness, are loosening their grip. If those who love you want more demonstrations of affection, give them as well: be generous in giving caresses.

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