Home » Endeavor and rejuvenation journey to write a new chapter of youth, representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League discuss the speech of the Party Central Committee_Sichuan Online_Sichuan Online

Endeavor and rejuvenation journey to write a new chapter of youth, representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League discuss the speech of the Party Central Committee_Sichuan Online_Sichuan Online

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 20th Topic: Endeavor and Revival Journey to Write a New Chapter of Youth—Deputies to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League discuss the speech of the Party Central Committee in groups

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yue, Gao Lei, Dong Boting, Zhang Ruijie

The grand blueprint inspires people to forge ahead, and the mission of youth is supremely glorious.

The 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Youth League opened in the Great Hall of the People on the morning of the 19th. Xi Jinping, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi and other party and state leaders attended the meeting to congratulate, and Cai Qi delivered a speech on behalf of the Party Central Committee.

In the afternoon and evening of the same day, representatives attending the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held group discussions. The representatives said that the speech of the Party Central Committee fully affirmed the work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, reflected General Secretary Xi Jinping’s care and concern for the majority of young people and the great importance he attached to youth work, and proposed to adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era For guidance, work hard and move forward with courage, unite and strive for the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and point out the direction for the Chinese youth movement and youth work in the new era.

The flag leads the youth forward

The age creates youth, and the prosperous age makes youth.

“The Party Central Committee’s speech reviewed the great achievements of the past five years and the decade of the new era. The majority of young people are not only witnesses, beneficiaries, but also participants and devotees.” Ni Bangwen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Youth League School, said that Since then, the majority of young people have continuously deepened their political identification, ideological identification, theoretical identification, and emotional identification with the “two establishments”.

Talking about the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important instructions on youth work, Ran Bo, secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, said that the majority of young people should deeply understand the strategic position of the party’s youth work and understand our party’s strategy of focusing on youth work with great energy. Consider and enhance the sense of historical mission and the sense of glory of the times to do a good job in the work of the Communist Youth League in the new era.

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The speech pointed out that Chinese youth in the new era should strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and keep their youth course firmly in the process of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Hu Guodong, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Peking University, said that truth guides the direction and ideas gather strength. Youth should learn the original text from the ground up, understand the principles in the original flavor, master the world outlook and methodology that run through it, achieve a thorough understanding of learning, thinking and application, and unify knowledge, faith and action, so that youth is full of the power of truth.

Youth to the party, youth upward. Li Yuan, a teacher at the Henan Hongqiqu Cadre College, has a deep understanding of the “foundation and political soul of listening to the party and following the party” mentioned in the speech.

More than 60 years ago, it was a group of young people who carried forward the fine tradition of “the party has a call and the regiment has an action”, took the initiative to undertake the task, and fought hard for 1 year and 5 months to complete the water delivery tunnel “Youth Cave” on the Hongqi Canal. “Our young people in the new era should draw strength from the spirit of Hongqiqu, follow the light of faith, shoulder the responsibility of history, and live up to the expectations of the times like their predecessors.” Li Yuan said with emotion.

Bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities

In the new era, Chinese youth should bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times and demonstrate youthful deeds in the practice of national development.

In the speech, the words “youth are the most innovative and motivated” encouraged Liang Qiuming, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.

“During the development of the C919 large passenger aircraft, young people bravely shouldered the mission, charged at the front line of scientific research, explored at the forefront of the industry, and fully released their enthusiasm and vitality for innovation.” Liang Qiuming said that he would keep in mind the general secretary’s “large aircraft business must be done well.” The ardent entrustment to be a pioneer in climbing the pinnacle of science and technology, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of a manufacturing power.

The speech pointed out that the majority of young people should “take the initiative to go to practice, go to the people, go to the grassroots and the front line, and go to the place where the motherland needs it most.” This made Xu Xudong, chairman of the Congxiang Modern Agricultural Planting Professional Cooperative in Taihe County, Anhui Province, very excited.

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“In building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, the most arduous and arduous tasks are still in the countryside.” Xu Xudong said that as a young farmer, it is necessary to root deep into the soil of his hometown and use modern agricultural technology to grow more grains and grow better Grain has driven the majority of farmers to increase production and income, and contributed youthful strength to secure China’s rice bowl.

“Chinese youth in the new era must carry forward the spirit of struggle and show their youthful demeanor in the face of major risks and challenges.” Cui Jie, captain of the First Women’s Special Warfare Team of the Falcon Commando Women’s Special Warfare Brigade of the Armed Police Force, was deeply impressed by this sentence in his speech.

“The injuries received are the medals of youth, and the hardships suffered are the marks of struggle.” Cui Jie said that as a special forces member, only by strengthening his muscles and growing his talents on the front line of the struggle can he be worthy of the “special” of the special forces members The words, live up to Chairman Xi’s earnest entrustment of “hard training and excellent skills, to be a good loyal guard”.

As a volunteer who is fighting on the front line of rescue, Yu Ruofei, captain of the Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team, is deeply touched by the emphasis in his speech on “taking on difficulties and taking on responsibilities with youthful fighting spirit”.

“It is the common belief of the young members of our Blue Sky Rescue Team to support the ‘blue sky’ in times of crisis. We will continue to advance along the road of professional and systematic emergency rescue volunteer service, and show our strength in the face of more urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks. Youth responsibility, youth dedication.” Yu Ruofei said.

Continue to strive for the dream of the future

The Party Central Committee pointed out in a speech that from now on, building a socialist modernized and powerful country in an all-round way, realizing the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization are the central tasks of the party, and they are also the core tasks of the Chinese youth movement and youth work in the new era. distinct theme.

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The journey is long, and there is only struggle. Shi Kang, Secretary of the Youth League Branch of Shibadong Village, Shuanglong Town, Huayuan County, Hunan Province, said that the earth-shaking development of countless villages is engraved with the imprint of youth struggle. In the future, we must continue to carry forward the fine tradition of permanent struggle and integrate personal struggle into national development. Write a new chapter in rural development.

“Chinese youth in the new era are born at the right time and shoulder heavy responsibilities.” The speech of the Party Central Committee ignited the passion of young people to struggle and start a business.

In the rapidly developing Internet industry, Qi Jiyun, general manager of Tuma (Wuhan) Network Technology Co., Ltd., deeply feels that youth is the main force and struggle is the characteristic. “In the new era, we must start a business with the courage to surpass our predecessors, dare to lead the times, and dare to create miracles in the world, and continue to write the glorious chapter of youth struggle with practical actions.”

The speech pointed out that the Communist Youth League “shoulder the historical mission of better uniting, organizing, and mobilizing the youth to achieve the party’s central task.” “.

Pan Xiaonan, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Fudan University, said that the youth league organizations in colleges and universities should focus on their main responsibilities and work, and devote themselves to cultivating a “powerful generation” who can carry the baton of history, support Chinese-style modernization, and be unwavering in stormy waves.

Shi Changsheng, secretary of the China Railway Construction Youth League Committee, said that we must keep in mind the teaching of the general secretary about “being a youth friend, not a youth ‘official’, doing more for the youth, and less for yourself” to build a stage for youth to realize their dreams, a platform for development, In the arena of vying for the first place, work together with the young people, mingle with each other, and use your words and deeds to show the good looks of the league cadres in the new era.

Realizing the Chinese Dream is a historical relay race, and the Party Central Committee delivered a speech with high hopes for Chinese youth in the new era.

Liu Ximeng, a student at Harbin Normal University, said that contemporary young people should bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s teachings, abandon arrogance and arrogance, take responsibility, and sprint hard to run well on the new journey that belongs to our generation.

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