Home » Weekly: Quantum computing, electric ferry and the science fiction novel “Pollen”

Weekly: Quantum computing, electric ferry and the science fiction novel “Pollen”

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Weekly: Quantum computing, electric ferry and the science fiction novel “Pollen”

This week is about quantum computers. The chip manufacturer Intel recently presented a new type of quantum processor for research and IBM a performance milestone for its quantum computer, which should lead to the first applications in two years. We explain what is technologically behind these success stories and whether a breakthrough is actually approaching.


Also in “Weekly”:

Mobility: The world‘s first autonomous electric ferry for local public transport went into operation in Stockholm. Tip of the week: Pollen – Volume 2 of the Manchester Trilogy by Jeff Noon.

More on this in the whole episode – as an audio stream (RSS feed):

“Weekly” appears on the MIT Technology Review podcast feed and is the science and technology magazine’s third podcast format. In “Deep Dive” the editors deepen a topic from the magazine once a month. The monthly interview format “Unscripted” focuses on exciting personalities from science, technology and society. The “Weekly” news format completes the offer. You can find an overview of the podcasts here.

Here you will find an overview of our three podcast formats: the weekly news podcast “Weekly” and the monthly podcasts “Unscripted” and “Deep Dive”.


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See also  Intel, 8 billion euros for a chip factory in Italy

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