Home » Hungary, Spain’s last obstacle in search of its sixth Eurobasket final

Hungary, Spain’s last obstacle in search of its sixth Eurobasket final

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Hungary, Spain’s last obstacle in search of its sixth Eurobasket final

Valencia 06/23/2023 at 18:55 CEST

Spain, which will play its tenth Eurobasket semifinal in this 21st century, comes to this event reinforced after its victory against Germany

The coach maintains doubts about María Conde, who lost her left shoulder in the last match of the first phase

The Spanish team will fight this Saturday for a place in what would be their sixth final in a Eurobasket and he will do so against Hungary, a team that just a few days ago defeated him in the last friendlyI was on Miguel Méndez’s team before this tournament.

Spain, who will play his tenth Eurobasket semifinal in this 21st century, arrives at this reinforced appointment for their solid victory last Thursday against Germany in the quarterfinals of the tournament. His remarkable defense gripped a team that paid for its inexperience in this type of crosses and allowed him a comfortable victory that, in addition, ensured him a place in the pre-Olympic, which means that he has already achieved his first goal for this summer.

In addition, the victory has allowed him to close the ‘wound’ that the defeat left him in 2021 in that same quarterfinal both in the Eurobasket Like the Tokyo Olympics. With this panorama, the pressure for victory remains reduced to the obvious status of favorite of Spain and its winning ‘gene’ but will not be contaminated by other factors.

Choral triumph against Germany

After players like Laura Gil, Raquel Carrera, María Conde or Queralt Casas shone in the first phase, the victory in the quarterfinals It was much more choral, something that generates less dependence for this semifinal.

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As soon as the match against Germany finished, Méndez recalled that every match against Hungary, both the two that played in the qualifying phase for this Eurobasket this winter and the two friendlies that they played this summer as preparation, they have been “a war” and that they have all been “hard” encounters.

The inside game is the main engine of the Hungarian team although the solvency of Laura Gil and Raquel Carrerawell covered mainly by Paula Ginzo, has already allowed Spain to face powerful centers during the tournament.

For this meeting, Méndez maintains doubts about María Conde, who lost her left shoulder in the last match of the first phase against Greece and which they did not want to force against Germany. The captain Silvia Domínguez did not play in this last clash eitherbut in her case by technical decision and she will reach the semifinal rested.

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