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10 common actions that ruin your life, abandon them now

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10 common actions that ruin your life, abandon them now

There are some very common habits that are actually harmful. Maybe you too usually do one of these things: you should stop immediately to avoid incurring heavy risks. Let’s find out what they consist of and all the useful details to know.

Make a choice (Pexels) – Ecoo.it

Life is made up of choices. And to decree the course of our existence is the set of single actions that we repeat every day: while we live we may not realize the real impact of habits. We often focus on achieving major milestones over the long term, without however understanding that it is the micro-actions we take today that really make the difference.

Wrong actions if continued over time can profoundly undermine our lifestyle, also leading us to consequences that are not at all pleasant. So it’s important to be aware of those actions spread daily, but which conceal risks, which we must absolutely abandon. Let’s see in detail what we are talking about.

Actions to be banned: what they are and their damages

Among the most common actions to say goodbye to we find a feeling linked to our existence: we are talking about fear of failure, omnipresent in the lives of many. But this fear must be banished: failure is not a negative concept. Mistakes and errors must be seen from a different point of view, i.e. as gods ways to learn a lesson to improve ourselves next time. On the other hand, if we want to evolve, there is the possibility of failing, but the game is worth the candle. So it’s time to believe in yourself, taking action despite the fear of failure.

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Stay hours at the PC for hours (Pexel)- Ecoo.it

Another action to stay away from – but which is very common – is to look at the phone before sleep: its blue light spoils our sleep. It is therefore really important not to look at your smartphone before closing your eyes and replacing this bad habit with a good book or meditation with which to calm the mind and induce sleep.

In general in this increasingly technological era it is essential to be aware that stay in front of the screen for too many hours it has very serious consequences for the eyes which become heavy and burn, beating less. In addition to worsening our vision, there is no shortage of damage to our posture. So it’s important when staring at screensi take regular breaks, also with the help of the use of eye drops. There are also special glasses with which to filter blue light, allies to protect our eyes from screens.

Among other widespread errors is that of don’t budget and spend without checking our finances: to establish a good relationship with money it is important to monitor our income and expenditure flow. We buy what we really can afford, making a good habit of setting aside sums of money to have savings.

Other habits to stay away from: Don’t do this anymore

Tomatoes (Pexels) – Ecoo.it

Among the wrong habits there is one linked to one’s beauty routine: doing the shower with lots of shower gel and shampoo assiduously it is not an elixir for hair and body, but rather it does nothing but dry them too much.

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Another wrong action concerns i zits: regarding our skincare it is important not changed as many think. In fact, doing so means putting our skin at risk, ending up contracting infections.

In fact of posture many sit casuallybut it is very important instead to change the course by sitting very straight, thus saying goodbye to possible back problems.

In terms of tableware, there is a very common mistake: store tomatoes in the fridge as many do, it is not correct as the low temperature of the fridge alters the flavour. So you have to keep them at room temperature, keeping them in the pantry and also on the terrace.

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