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Jo Wunsche: Tiktok star lost 40 kilos – with this simple calculation

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Jo Wunsche: Tiktok star lost 40 kilos – with this simple calculation

Jo Wunsche: Tiktok star lost 40 kilos – with a simple calculation

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The Tik-Tok influencer Jo Wunsch has lost a total of around 40 kg of body weight in the past three years. How did she do it? And how useful is your method? FOCUS online explains.

“One day I woke up – and stopped finding excuses.” With these words, Jo Wunsche addressed her around 400,000 followers on Tiktok. In a video she shows different shots of herself: Once she is sitting on a bed with a McDonalds bag in her hand. She looks unhealthy, apparently overweight. A few seconds later you can see her in sportswear, training. Significantly fitter and healthier.

The transformation that the 24-year-old shares with her followers is remarkable. Over the past three years, she has lost 40 kilos – 30 of them within four months, as she tells the “image”. How did she do it? With a combination of healthy eating and exercise, she tells the paper. Most importantly, the calorie deficit.

Losing weight with a calorie deficit – this is how it works

The principle of the calorie deficit is easy to explain: you just have to eat less than your body needs. To do this, you need to know your individual calorie requirements. This can be calculated with calorie calculators that are available on the Internet – just google the keyword. Fitness apps do this work too:

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The basal metabolic rate is calculated – i.e. how much energy the body needs at rest. Plus the energy demand for physical stress – whether at work or during sports. Together that makes the total sales.

Two examples:

For one 40-year-old 90-kilo man, 185 centimeters tall, who goes to the gym for an hour three times a week, the requirement is, for example: approx. 3000 kilocalories total turnover. Almost 2000 kilocalories of this are basal metabolism. He can still eat 2600 kilocalories for healthy weight loss. The woman of the same age, 170 centimeters tall and 70 kilogramswho goes to the gym for an hour three times a week only has a total metabolic rate of about 2400 kilocalories (about 1400 calories of which is the basal metabolic rate). She is only allowed to consume 1900 kilocalories for fat loss.

Side Effects of Calorie Deficit

Dieting is tough on the body. So be careful not to push him too hard. If you notice severe tiredness, inner restlessness or physical symptoms such as brittle nails, cold hands and feet, you should take at least one break from the diet. Because in this state your body is undersupplied with nutrients. If you eat too little in the long term, you risk developing a deficiency. This can even lead to women not having their period – a clear warning sign! In such cases, reduce the calorie deficit or give your body a break from losing weight.

Losing weight requires motivation

Maintaining such a deficit for a certain period of time requires one thing above all: motivation. And the 24-year-old obviously has it. She explains to the “Bild”: “The motivation to go this hard way to the end came from my strong desire to bring about a positive change in my life. I wanted to feel healthier and more confident.”

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