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For a more dignified and fair labor reform

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For a more dignified and fair labor reform

The collapse of the Labor Reform in the legislature that has just concluded in the Congress of the Republic must be seen by everyone, from the National Government, businessmen, workers and congressmen, as an opportunity for us to build a new initiative that creates justice for the worker; be balanced; protect MiPymes and modernize a system that should think about the future and not about a work past that no longer exists.

Let’s not forget that the Banco de la República warned that if the proposal that had been presented by the government had been approved, the employment of more than 450,000 people would have been put at risk due to the increase in wage costs for the business sector.

That is why, from La U we will give impetus in Congress to our alternative presentation to the Labor Reform, which proposes transformations in labor regulations, such as the expansion of social protection, the reduction of obstacles to employment and the creation of a system of universal social protection.

This is an initiative that seeks, among other aspects, to benefit workers, by proposing an increase in Sunday surcharges of 85% over ordinary wages, in proportion to the hours worked. To mitigate the costs and impacts of possible job loss, we propose that the night shift begin at 8:00 p.m.

To improve the working conditions of the most vulnerable workers, such as street vendors, recyclers and street vendors, we propose to carry out a census that establishes who cannot pay full social security due to their low income and that in this case the National Government provides them with protection against labor risks and pensions.

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In order to modernize the work contract, the initiative also opens the possibility of creating an alternative mechanism that allows the employer to record the layoffs monthly and does not have to affect its liquidity flow every year. Likewise, we raise the possibility that workers and employers can agree to receive their premium monthly, if they so wish. Now, if they prefer to continue receiving the premium in June and December, they can agree on it.

Regarding delivery technology applications, our initiative proposes that these types of companies assume the cost of social security in pensions, occupational risks and health. This is an alternative that we believe is balanced and protects the source of employment for thousands of people. Imposing the obligations of a work contract on them can become a factor that reduces jobs, as the Bank of the Republic has already warned.

Another fundamental aspect of this proposal is related to the defense of MiPymes, which generate 90% of jobs in the country and therefore must be protected. For this reason, we believe that they cannot be forced to negotiate on equal terms and costs than large companies. This is a serious job risk. In this sense, the right to collective bargaining is protected, but without sacrificing MiPymes

On the other hand, with respect to fixed-term contracts and work or work, our initiative indicates that they can be used when so decided, with a maximum duration of three continuous years and is applicable to different works or for another modality.

In my opinion, a labor reform cannot be limited to making a series of changes in labor laws and regulations, but must be assumed as a commitment to combat informality, improve working conditions, and protect rights and quality of life. of workers, but also to stimulate productivity and employment. Only in this way can we strengthen one of the fundamental sectors of the economy so that Colombians can achieve the just desire to have a dignified and well-being life.


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