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[Feature]Preface to “Perspective on Evolution” | Universe | Earth | Life | Perspective on Evolution | Evolution | Darwin

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[Feature]Preface to “Perspective on Evolution” | Universe | Earth | Life | Perspective on Evolution | Evolution | Darwin

[Voice of Hope, June 26, 2023]Looking down from the vast cosmic sky, the blue star of the earth is very different from other celestial bodies. It is currently the only planet suitable for human habitation. It is even more in the Milky Way It is shining. In addition to human beings, there are also a variety of flowers, plants and trees, fish, shrimps, crab shells, birds and animals living on the earth. Many biological species here enjoy the richness and variety of life.

Whether you are a scientific master or a commoner, you may have thought about this question: “Where do the intelligent people and the rich species on the earth come from?” Human beings have been trying to explore this ultimate question since ancient times.

In 1859, against the background of the rise of the Industrial Revolution, the British biologist Darwin tried to explain the origin of life, and proposed the evolution hypothesis, believing that all living things come from a common ancestor, selected by the natural environment for a long time, and gradually evolved . Later, it was further summarized that life first evolved from inorganic matter to organic matter, and then evolved into lower organisms, plants, and aquatic animals, and then slowly climbed onto the land to become amphibians, reptiles, and then turned into mammals, and then became monkeys and climbed trees. Up, then down to the ground to become ape-man, and finally become a civilized modern man.

This hypothesis has been used by many school textbooks as the “authoritative” answer to the origin of humans and species until now.

In the past more than 160 years, some scientists have been trying to verify the evolutionary hypothesis or find evidence to support the evolutionary hypothesis through scientific experiments. However, to date, numerous studies in paleontology, archaeology, and molecular biology have directly questioned the evolution hypothesis. Whether it is from logical reasoning to scientific experiments, from macroscopic structures to microscopic components, from protein molecules to cellular genes, the evolution hypothesis is not valid. Variation within species is universal, but this variation is by no means the “evolution” from one species to another as assumed by the theory of evolution.

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At least thirteen aspects of scientific facts and logical arguments have negated the evolutionary hypothesis, namely: first, partial generalization; second, confusion of concepts; third, failure of verification; fourth, violation of natural laws; fifth, Humans are not changed from monkeys; sixth, it is not “slow evolution” but “sudden explosion”; seventh, it is not “natural selection” but “intentional design”; eighth, seemingly “structural degradation” is actually “very useful Ninth, not “ruthless competition” but “symbiosis and mutual benefit”; tenth, not “scientific facts” but “deception and fraud”; eleventh, the complexity and efficiency of life directly negates “evolution”; twelfth , Gene runs counter to “evolution”; Thirteenth, “phylogenetic tree” is a hypothetical tree without foundation.

In conclusion, the theory of evolution is an unproven hypothesis that violates scientific principles.

In addition, human beings are complete beings with both physical and spiritual attributes. The physical body includes structures visible to the naked eye such as muscles and bones, facial features, and limbs, while the spirit covers many aspects such as thoughts, emotions, emotions, personality, and morality. Numerous scientific studies have strongly proved that the human spirit not only exists, but also affects people’s physical health all the time.

More importantly, a large number of scientific studies on near-death experience and reincarnation prove irrefutably that the human consciousness (soul) still exists independently after the death of the human body. The continued existence of the “soul” after death shows that the spiritual attribute of a person is the more essential existence of a person. Only by truly objectively facing the issue of the source and destination of the soul can we truly grasp the core of the issue of the origin of life. The phenomenon of spirit and soul is a further negation of the hypothesis of evolution.

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The evolution hypothesis one-sidedly interprets the material structure of life and ignores the existence of human “spirit”. As a result, human thinking is led astray, and human morality is also virtually corrupted.

In today’s human world, although it is prospering and developing driven by high technology, ethics and morality are declining day by day, resulting in endless environmental pollution and health problems, and even have a profound negative impact on human culture, law, morality, politics and other aspects. All of these are closely related to the wrong guidance of the evolutionary hypothesis to science and society for more than one hundred years.

However, this evolutionary hypothesis full of loopholes has been blindly believed and taught by people for more than a hundred years, and people turn a blind eye to the social harm it causes. There are many reasons for this, and the specific content will be systematically elaborated in this series of articles.

In fact, every nation’s traditional culture has its own creation legends in history, and most of the ancestors of various nations believed that God created man and all things. Many accomplished scientists also believed in the existence of God. When the evolution hypothesis put itself in the cloak of “science”, it was used by some people as a tool to dilute the connection between man and God, making human morality more and more corrupt. Therefore, the evolution hypothesis essentially destroys human traditions and orthodox culture, and represents an evil force in the contest between good and evil, good and evil.

When the new crown virus epidemic raged around the world, except for mainland China, nearly 7 million lives were taken away. Only then did people suddenly wake up, and human beings seemed so vulnerable in the face of small viruses. After experiencing the great pain of the new crown epidemic, where will the development of human civilization go in the future, mankind has reached a critical historical moment.

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Human beings today can only find the real answer to the question of the origin of human beings only if they seriously think and examine past misunderstandings, have the courage to correct erroneous ideas, and search for lost morals and traditions. And only by truly understanding the real reason of human origin and the real purpose of human existence, can human beings truly return to a correct development path.

The feature of the series of articles “Perspective on “Evolution”” is based on detailed scientific research evidence, especially the latest scientific research evidence, to objectively and rationally analyze the reasons why the evolution hypothesis is not valid and its harm to contemporary science and social culture. . It will be divided into nine chapters and published successively:

Chapter 1 The Theory of Evolution is an Unproven Hypothesis

Chapter Two Breaks the Classical Myth of the Evolutionary Hypothesis

Chapter 3 Molecular Biology Denies the Evolutionary Hypothesis

Chapter 4 The Evolutionary Hypothesis Does Not Touch the Spiritual World

Chapter Five: Near-death reincarnation reveals the essence of life

Chapter 6 The Evolutionary Hypothesis Misguided Science

Chapter 7 The Evolutionary Hypothesis Corrupts Human Morality and Ethics

Chapter 8 Evolution Hypothesis Essence Anti-God Anti-Universe

Chapter 9 The Ultimate Answer to the Question of Human Origins

“Perspective on “Evolution”” writing group

June 21, 2023

(First published by The Epoch Times)

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