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Youth Protection: Drug Commissioner: Every death is one too many

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Youth Protection: Drug Commissioner: Every death is one too many

Youth Protection Drug Commissioner: Every death is one too many

Burkhard Blienert, Federal Drug Commissioner, speaks at a press conference. photo

© Boris Roessler/dpa/archive image

The drug commissioner of the federal government Burkhard Blienert (SPD) called for increased prevention after the death of a 13-year-old – presumably through the consumption of an ecstasy pill. “Every death is one too many and should make us all think about what we can do better,” said Blienert of the German Press Agency. Young people should know very early on how dangerous even just trying drugs once can be. “That they play with their lives as a result. Because no one can know exactly how contaminated the material that they bought or even received as a gift is.”

The drug commissioner of the federal government Burkhard Blienert (SPD) called for increased prevention after the death of a 13-year-old – presumably through the consumption of an ecstasy pill. “Every death is one too many and should make us all think about what we can do better,” said Blienert of the German Press Agency. Adolescents should know very early on how dangerous it is to even try it once could be drugs. “That they play with their lives as a result. Because no one can know exactly how contaminated the material that they bought or even received as a gift is.”

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a 13-year-old died on Monday, presumably after taking the “Blue Punisher” ecstasy pill, which is usually particularly strong. A 14-year-old is in intensive care in Neubrandenburg and is in critical condition, said a spokeswoman for the Neubrandenburg police headquarters on Tuesday. She is also said to have consumed an ecstasy pill.

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According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, of the 1,990 people who died last year as a result of their illegal drug use, 392 were under the age of 30 and 21 were minors. “Every single case is one case too many,” said Blienert now. It’s important for parents to talk to their children about their curiosity about trying drugs, Blienert said. “It’s also about not watching young people buy adulterated and harmful products on the black market. Instead, together with parents, schools, clubs and wherever else young people are out and about, we have to make them strong enough to say no to drugs.”

As soon as parents or friends notice that someone is taking drugs, it is important to speak up and get competent help. “But for this we also need good, nationwide addiction counseling and early intervention measures to help children or young people with problematic drug use quickly and easily.”



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