Home » New 300 euro bonus, more swollen paycheck in July. But not for everyone

New 300 euro bonus, more swollen paycheck in July. But not for everyone

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New 300 euro bonus, more swollen paycheck in July.  But not for everyone

New 300 euro bonus, here’s who gets it and when it will be paid into the paycheck

Good news, but not for everyone. A new one is coming in July €300 bonus on salary, so let’s find out for which types of workers. Specifically, these are increases that concern those who work in the woodIn the corkI am wooded forestry and have the Ccnl Wood and Furniture.

By July, a good 350 euros will probably arrive on the paycheck, 100 due to the increase and the others deriving from a one-off bonus granted for the rise of inflation. But why this increase on the paycheck? The increase is due to renewal of the Wood and Furniture contractwhich expired last year, precisely on December 31, 2022.

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In the renewal, as former prime minister Mario Draghi had already underlined, it was necessary to consider the cut the tax wedge and also do entry level wage interventions. According to Draghi, the expired collective agreements had to be renewed. And finally the agreement has arrived.

The renewal of the collective contract for wood, cork, furniture, furnishings and forestry was signed on June 20, 2023. The agreement was signed between FederlegnoArredo, Filca Cisl, Feneal Uil e Fillea Cgil. With this good news, the approximately 250,000 people who work in the wood, furniture, cork, forestry and furnishing sectors can celebrate.

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