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Breast cancer: marked improvement in survival

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Breast cancer: marked improvement in survival

Breast cancer today has a higher short-term and long-term survival rate than in the past, find out why in this article.

Breast cancer and the survival index

The incidence of breast cancer represents a significant challenge to women’s health worldwide. However, recent research published in the British Medical Journal has revealed promising results. According to the study, the number of patients who die from a diagnosis of breast cancer is now two-thirds lower than it was in the 1990s. This surprising and encouraging news offers a more optimistic outlook for women receiving this diagnosis, as more and more of them are destined for a cancer-free life.

Twenty years of progress

The study was coordinated by Dr Carolyn Taylor, a leading oncologist at the University of Oxford. The research involved a large sample of 512,447 women in the UK who had received a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer at an early stage. This means that the cancer had only spread to breast tissue and axillary lymph nodes. The patients were followed closely for an extended period of time until December 2020.

The results of the study were surprising. The scientists found that in people who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 1993 and 1999, the risk of dying in the first 5 years of diagnosis was 14.4%. However, for women who received the same news between 2010 and 2015, the risk of death was only 4.9%. In other words, deaths from breast cancer have fallen dramatically by two-thirds over the course of two decades. This significant improvement was seen across all age groups and in both patients who were diagnosed with cancer through routine screening tests and those who were diagnosed differently.

A big leap forward

The observed improvement in the survival of breast cancer patients was a surprising finding for the researchers themselves. While it was known that there had been a general improvement, the extent of this progress was still unknown. The reduction of deaths from breast cancer by two thirds represents a major leap forward in the fight against this disease.

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Culture, prevention and cures

At present, it is not yet clear what was the main cause of this marked improvement in the survival of patients with breast cancer. It could be attributable to increased awareness in the population about the risks of breast cancer and preventive measures, such as adopting a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, the widespread uptake of routine screening campaigns, which are being offered free of charge in the UK to increasing numbers of patients, may have played a significant role. Additionally, advances in treatments available for patients on their way to recovery may have contributed to improved survival prospects.

Because it’s important to know

Studies such as the one conducted by Dr. Taylor and her team are of vital importance to public health research and intervention. These surveys provide a better understanding of the impact of prevention policies and treatments on the survival of breast cancer patients. This information is essential to appropriately target research funds and to plan targeted and effective health interventions.

According to the data reported in the latest edition of the report “The numbers of cancer in Italy 2020”, edited by the Italian Association of Cancer Registries (AIRTUM) and the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), breast cancer represents the neoplasm more frequent among Italian women, corresponding to 30.3% of all cancers diagnosed in the female gender. Therefore, prevention, which is mainly based on adherence to national screening programs and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, plays a key role in the fight against breast cancer.

Breast cancer today has a higher survival rate

The study conducted by Dr Carolyn Taylor and her team at the University of Oxford revealed extremely positive results regarding the survival of breast cancer patients. Reducing the death rate by two-thirds in two decades represents significant progress in the fight against this disease. However, it is important to continue investing in research, prevention and treatments to further improve survival prospects and ensure a better quality of life for women with breast cancer.

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