Home » The baby is in a hurry to be born and the mother gives birth in 7 minutes at home: dad guided on the phone by Sores

The baby is in a hurry to be born and the mother gives birth in 7 minutes at home: dad guided on the phone by Sores

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SPILIMBERGO. He is the youngest of the house but he has already made it clear to his parents that with him, when he makes a decision, there is no time to waste. Mattia was born in 7 minutes: the ambulance took so long, called by father Francesco when his wife Emma broke the waters. But when the rescuers entered the house, the newborn, weighing 3.2 kilograms, was already in the mother’s arms.

“It was wonderful. There was no agitation, we were calm also thanks to the medical staff who guided us to the phone and who were very quick to get home, ”says his father, Francesco Giorgiutti. Spilimberghese, 43, deals with gardens every day. And, looking at what fate has reserved for him, the care of those who come to life seems written in their DNA. «Mattia is our third child – he says – and the second child was also born quickly, in the labor room. I took it myself. ‘

Although prepared for any eventuality, Francesco and Emma, ​​38, did not expect a quiet Wednesday in August to turn into an unforgettable day. Only the day before they had been to Udine for a checkup. The presumed date of birth, the one that thanks to increasingly accurate technologies has become a “compass” for many future mothers, was scheduled for 25 August. It is not a peremptory indication, you know, but there were still two weeks to go: when, around 7 am yesterday, the first problems began, no one thought of an imminent birth.

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«The children were still sleeping – says Francesco – when the waters broke. Reaching Udine was unthinkable and so I called 118 ». The ambulance, which left the Spilimbergo hospital at the same time as the Pordenone medical car, arrived in 7 minutes but little Mattia was already born. “I helped Emma thanks to the indications of the doctors – continues her father, who was constantly followed by the regional operations center Sores – in particular on how to keep one’s head”. The older brothers, who in the meantime had woken up, were looked after by an aunt. They didn’t wait long to get to know the baby of the house: at 7.55am Mattia looked out into the world and immediately found mother Emma’s embrace.

Both were in good health and were taken to the San Daniele hospital. “The choice to reach San Daniele – explains Amato De Monte, new director of Sores – is part of the vision of referring to the nearest health facilities in the perspective of a regional management of health facilities, regardless of the territorial limits of the companies”.

It is not the first time that what, in technical jargon, is called “hasty birth” has occurred in the region. In the last seven months, six children have already come into the world at home thanks to the precious telephone assistance of the Sores staff. For the event, adds De Monte, “an interview method and telephone instructions were used, given according to procedures developed in the United States and used in Sores since its opening. A tool used, as well as in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in four other Italian regions ».

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“We would like to thank the rescuers, who were very fast – adds the Giorgiutti family – and accompanied us in this exciting moment”.

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