Home » Work in the food chain: the podcast “On the shoulders of others” is online

Work in the food chain: the podcast “On the shoulders of others” is online

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Work in the food chain: the podcast “On the shoulders of others” is online

“Invisible” workers in the food chain: online the podcast “On the shoulders of others”

Not only agricultural excellence, but also a world made of sweat, effort and very often exploitation which does not concern only immigrants, but more and more often also Italians. As reported by the Social Editor, a new podcast, entitled “On the shoulders of others” produced by Flai CGIL and can be listened to on all podcast platforms, is dedicated to workers employed in the sectors of cultivation and packaging of foods that end up on Italian tables.

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“The bad post-war times are light years away, when hunger was once again the protagonist – reads a note from Flai CGIL -: today eating has also become a status symbol and “chefs”, brands, marketing always coin new slogans Indeed, if a problem arises it is that of overproduction, of waste, but this is another story. Those products that glitter in food windows that look like jewelers or on noble counters of multinational chains have a history: someone sowed them , cultivated, cared for, protected, harvested and finally packaged for retail sale.In short, they are part of a supply chain, that is, a complex and articulated organization that employs around one and a half million workers, if we also count the so-called invisible ”.

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This hidden world is told by the voice of Annabella Calabrese on the texts created by Susanna Bucci and Paolo Butturini and produced by Akùo in collaboration with Flai-Cgil. “On the shoulders of others is a journey, through the story and the voices of the protagonists, in the territories where those aristocratic foods are grown and packaged – continues the note -. Thus you will discover that forms of illegal hiring still exist even in the rich North-East, that in the Capitanata the working women are almost all Italian, that the 92 Sikhs are tired of being beaten and exploited, that in Calabria it is dangerous even just to talk to workers. And much more. But you will also see that every day there are women and men of the Flai-Cgil who try to oppose this exploitation, to raise the awareness of immigrant workers as well. Their fatigue is lighter than that of those bent over the fields, but it is precious for restoring dignity to these people first of all”.

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