Home » Test winner in Stern study: Verivox loan comparison awarded for transparency

Test winner in Stern study: Verivox loan comparison awarded for transparency

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In a current study, the German Society for Consumer Studies (DtGV) examined the transparency of banks, insurance companies and financial service providers on behalf of the magazine “Stern”. In the “Credit Comparison Portals” category, Verivox was the only provider in Germany to qualify for the “Star Seal”.

Transparency as the most important test criterion

In total, the DtGV examined almost 700 products from around 260 companies for the “Stern”, which were divided into 48 categories. With a weighting of 70 percent, the most important criterion was the general transparency and the transparent presentation of the product. This included, among other things, the easy location of terms and conditions and important information and the clear presentation of product variants.

Contact options for consumers were included in the evaluation with a weighting of 30 percent. At least 90 percent of the possible quality points must be achieved in order to be awarded the “star seal”.

This ensured the independence of the test

As an independent analysis institute, the DtGV carried out the study on behalf of the consumer magazine “Stern”. This constellation ensures that objectivity and independence are guaranteed and that the companies tested do not exert any influence.

No other loan comparison met the strict requirements

The installment loan comparison from Verivox was rated with 92.5 percent of the possible total number of points and was therefore the only loan comparison portal to meet the strict requirements of the examiners. For Oliver Maier, Managing Director of Verivox Finanzvergleich GmbH, the award is the result of many years of joint effort: “Together with a large team of product designers and developers, we invest a great deal of effort in order to be able to provide our customers with all the information on the loan comparison transparently and quickly that are relevant to them. We are therefore very proud that this effort is paying off and that we were the only credit comparison portal to be recognized for this transparency in the current “Stern” study.”

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When comparing loans, not only the interest rates are important

In addition to the clear presentation of the interest rates and conditions, Verivox also focuses on additional information that is often of great importance for those looking for a loan, explains Maier: “For many people interested in a loan, it is important, for example, whether a bank can use video identification, offers online signatures and document uploads, or what experiences other customers have had with the respective bank so far.”

You can find the full review here here at stern.de.

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