Home » American Merchant Lawyer Accuses Public Ministry Representative of Planting Drugs in Imported Merchandise

American Merchant Lawyer Accuses Public Ministry Representative of Planting Drugs in Imported Merchandise

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American Merchant Lawyers denounce planting of drugs in client’s merchandise

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – American Merchant Lawyers have come forward with serious allegations against the Public Ministry, claiming that a representative of the ministry, along with some agents, planted 230 ecstasy pills into their client’s promotional merchandise. The client had imported the merchandise to be presented in hotels in the eastern region of the country.

According to Dr. Johnny Rodríguez, the legal representative of the defendant, the pallet of merchandise contained various items such as T-shirts, caps, promotional flannels, 630 electronic cigarettes, printed catalogs, and sample cases. The merchandise, weighing 490 pounds, arrived from Miami, Florida and had successfully passed all the necessary Customs procedures in the United States and the Dominican Republic.

However, upon arrival at its destination, Punta Cana, the package was arbitrarily and abusively confiscated by Prosecutor Martin Peguero Palacio, who alleged the presence of 230 ecstasy pills, altered the number of electronic cigarettes from 630 to 1,180, and claimed the existence of cannabis-based chewing gum. These allegations contradict the invoices and forms signed by customs agents from both countries and the verified content of the shipment.

Dr. Rodríguez raised concerns over the treatment his client received, highlighting that after reporting the alleged findings, Mr. Wittenberg was arrested in a hotel without proper evidence and in violation of due process. He also presented a report from US Customs officials, which endorsed and signed the non-smuggling of merchandise, further confirming the compliance of the shipment.

Expressing his dismay, Dr. Rodríguez denied the allegations of international drug trafficking against his client, stating that they do not correspond to reality and are marked by bad faith. He emphasized the misconduct and inconsideration shown towards his client, who does not even speak Spanish.

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Furthermore, the lawyers of American Merchant Lawyers claim they have sufficient evidence to prove the abuse committed against their client. They are disappointed that the Public Ministry did not consider this evidence before issuing the confiscation certificate.

As the legal battle continues, the employer’s lawyers are determined to seek justice and hold those responsible for the alleged abuse accountable. They have expressed confidence in their ability to demonstrate the truth in court.

In the meantime, the Dominican Republic authorities should thoroughly investigate these allegations and ensure that proper legal procedures are followed. Transparency and fairness should be the guiding principles in resolving this case.

Note: This article is based on the provided content and does not reflect any actual events or individuals.

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