Home » Five exciting Photos features coming with iOS 17

Five exciting Photos features coming with iOS 17

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Five exciting Photos features coming with iOS 17

The new iOS 17 functions for the Photos app are many: after discovering that the new Cupertino operating system allows you to read clothing labels better, let’s now see other five great Photos features coming soon in September with the update to iOS 17.

The first will surely make all animal lovers happy: we are talking about Pet Recognition, which, as the name explains, allows you to automatically scan the photos in search of your pet. The feature is very similar to the “People” function of Photos, which searches for recurring faces in the photographs saved on the iPhone. However, this time it is used to dogs, cats and other petsand not just on humans.

The second new feature of Photos for iOS 17 is the automatic photo cropping. The ability to crop images taken with the camera has been around for a long time in iOS, but only with iOS 17 does cropping become “automatic”. To activate it, just zoom in on the photo you want, open the edit menu and click on the “crop” button: very simple!

Also, as if by magic, from the photographs taken to the food you will be able to extrapolate the recipe used for the dish that you captured. Photos for iOS 17 will in fact be able to recognize when the subject you have framed was a food or a drink and will use the image search to understand what it is: by crossing the photo data with those found online, you will be able to discover the recipe behind the dish you are eating or the drink you are having.

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The fourth novelty is more hidden, but will allow you to get much better shots than iOS 16. In fact, in the camera app, you will find a special grid to “straighten” the photograph, making sure you are shooting parallel or perpendicular to the ground. Until now, there was only a hard-to-read crosshair to help you “straighten” your shots: now, however, it will be a full-screen straight line to show you how to orient the phone to get the perfect picture.

Finally, the fifth novelty of the Photos app has not yet been unveiled by Apple, but was found by Macrumors in the iOS 17 beta. It allows you to take pictures of flashing signals and warning lights on your car’s dashboard and, via web visual search, identify which vehicle problem is connected to the signal. Perfect for those who fear breaking down in the middle of a long journey.

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