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“Genetics and great technicians, so the island goes at a thousand per hour”

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GULF ORANGES. Salvino Tortu, how is it that Filippo does not have the medal? “Because I keep it in my pocket. I’ll show it to everyone but don’t touch it … But it’s clear that it’s Filippo’s, it’s all his. I just do …

GULF ORANGES. Salvino Tortu, how is it that Filippo does not have the medal?

“Because I keep it in my pocket. I’ll show it to everyone but don’t touch it … But it’s clear that it’s Filippo’s, it’s all his. I’m just a caretaker now that we’re on vacation. He really deserves to disconnect, he hasn’t been on a real vacation for three years. “

After the race Filippo cried. How did you react?

«In an absolutely disheveled way. I was in the stands with technicians and managers and only later discovered, through a video, that I had a Tardelli-like celebration ».

No tears?

“Sure, right after I calmed down. I cried for two days straight. Every person who came to compliment me would burst into tears. At night Filippo came to my room to look for a shoulder because he too was crying. Obviously he found me in tears. I told him to try elsewhere … ».

What race was it?

«Beautiful, extraordinary. More than his legs, Filippo has put his head in them. He was in total relaxation, in those hundred and fifty meters he didn’t move an eyebrow, a perfect, wonderful run. To have a race like this, preparation is not enough: you have to use your head ».

And to say that, after failing to qualify for the 100m final, there could have been a mental breakdown.

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«No, because beyond everything running the heats and qualifying for the semifinal is not a result to be thrown away, on the contrary. But I never had any doubts about the fact that Filippo and the others in the relay could achieve a great result ».

This performance, this gold medal, should also definitively close a complicated period, in which she too ended up in the dock for the preparation. A few pebbles to remove?

“Not even half. The results speak for themselves, the happiness of these young people speaks for an extraordinary and well-deserved undertaking ».

In recent days he has already started talking about the 200. Will you try again?

“In recent years there has always been some unforeseen event that has prevented us from going all the way. Now with this result the curse is broken: the next preparation will focus on the 200. Next year at the European and World Championships Filippo will run the relay and the 200. And everything will be fine ».

In this triumph of blue speed, there is also a lot of Sardinia. What is happening?

«Seeing Sardinia in the first and last part is priceless. There are two things: the first is genetics. From the bronze of Tonino Siddi in ’48 to the gold of Patta and Filippo there is in between a world of extraordinary sprinters. There have been Marras, Puggioni, Floris, there are Polanco, Kaddari and Moro and Lai are coming out. There are two secrets: one is genetics. And it is no coincidence that one of the most important speed schools in the world came from Phoenix to study the genetics of Sardinians ».

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The second one?

«The technicians. Gianfranco Dotta has the magic touch, I can’t wait to hear it. Francesco Garau sent four athletes to the Olympics. I was a pupil of Mario Doppiu, Fabrizio Fanni does great things with Dalia Kaddari, Gianni Puggioni is coming up very well. We have real champions on the track ».

What will he give to Filippo for this triumph?

“A little quiet.”

Will she give herself a gift?

“I’ll stay with my wife for a while, who hasn’t seen me for 35 days. And then I would like them to give me a gift: I would like a shirt from the Tempio and one from Torres, my favorite teams ». (a.si.)

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