Home » The Continuous Rise of E-commerce Logistics Service Capabilities Supports Rapid Development

The Continuous Rise of E-commerce Logistics Service Capabilities Supports Rapid Development

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The Continuous Rise of E-commerce Logistics Service Capabilities Supports Rapid Development

The continuous improvement of e-commerce logistics service capabilities provides effective support for rapid development

CCTV news: From the perspective of e-commerce logistics service capabilities, the logistics timeliness index, satisfaction rate index, and personnel index have continued to rise, reflecting the continuous improvement of my country’s e-commerce logistics service capabilities and providing effective support for the rapid development of e-commerce logistics.

In June, the performance rate index reflecting the performance level of e-commerce logistics and distribution was 100.4 points. On the basis of rising for half a year, it returned to above 100 points after 23 months, basically returning to the pre-epidemic level.

In addition, the inventory turnover index rebounded, and the logistics timeliness index hit a new high. Among them, the logistics timeliness index, which reflects the efficiency level of logistics distribution, was 101.9 points, an increase of 0.3 points from the previous month, hitting a new high since November 2021.

In addition, it is worth noting that the cost index increased by 0.8 points, and the increase was larger than that of the previous month. Enterprises are still facing greater pressure on cost increases. From a later point of view, with the weakening of the effect of e-commerce promotional activities, the demand for e-commerce logistics may drop slightly, but the trend of a continuous rise in the e-commerce logistics index will continue.

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