Home » Chinese Men’s Doubles Badminton Team Faces Challenges and Intensifies Training in Lingshui

Chinese Men’s Doubles Badminton Team Faces Challenges and Intensifies Training in Lingshui

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Title: Chinese Men’s Badminton Doubles Team Intensify Training for Olympic Points Competitions

Subtitle: Coach Chen Qiqiu emphasizes the importance of accumulating physical fitness and improving competitiveness

Byline: [Author Name]

[City], [Date] – The Chinese men’s badminton doubles team has been undergoing rigorous training in Lingshui, Hainan, to prepare for upcoming Olympic points competitions. With a focus on accumulating physical fitness and improving their competitive edge, the team has been working tirelessly under the guidance of head coach Chen Qiqiu.

Following their participation in the Sudirman Cup, the National Badminton Men’s Doubles team did not take a break and continued their training by participating in four Southeast Asian competitions. While they achieved notable victories, the team also faced some challenges. Chen Qiqiu acknowledged that the team has experienced losses despite leading in several matches. He emphasized the need for maintaining a high degree of concentration and learning from these setbacks.

Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi, who won the year-end finals last year, faced some difficulties during these recent competitions. Chen Qiqiu attributed their performance dip to a decline in mental state and physical fitness following the intense Su Cup. However, he expressed confidence that through the ongoing training, they will regain their form and perform well in future tournaments.

To address their shortcomings, the Chinese men’s badminton doubles team has intensified their training sessions. Chen Qiqiu aims to strengthen the team’s overall competitiveness and elevate their rankings on the world stage.

During the training sessions, pairs including Liang Weikeng/Wang Chang and Liu Yuchen/Ou Xuanyi have been engaging in spirited confrontations. Each player has been pushing their limits and displaying their best efforts. Chen Qiqiu believes that the intense confrontations within the team will enhance their skills and make them more competitive internationally.

Apart from technical training, the team also begins their day with morning exercises at 5:45 am – the earliest among the five individual events. Chen Qiqiu emphasizes the importance of running for building willpower and improving cardiopulmonary function. He motivates the players to set goals during their runs and work hard towards achieving them.

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Since taking over as the head coach of the men’s doubles team, Chen Qiqiu has worked tirelessly to rebuild and improve the team. Despite facing challenges and missing out on the World Championships last year, the team has made significant progress. Two pairs from the Chinese team are among the top 10 in the world. However, Chen Qiqiu acknowledges that the challenges are far from over and urges the team to work harder to maintain their competitiveness.

As the Olympic points competitions approach, the Chinese men’s badminton doubles team remains determined to overcome their weaknesses and showcase their skills on the international stage. With rigorous training and a strong focus on improvement, they aspire to secure their place among the best in the world.

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