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The bands are going to vote

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The bands are going to vote

Although the most cordial Chuspas, who serves as Minister of the Interior, for screwing up the life of former President Gaviria does not have time to realize what is happening in the big cities dominated by gangs, the news about their executions is more and more alarming and they reach us through videos on the internet or through Bemba radio, which continues to broadcast on the same wavelength as it has always been: by word of mouth.

Everything would seem that both in Riohacha and Tuluá, in Medellín as in Cali and in all the cities where the gangs have organized themselves and control trade with their extortion and coexist with the authorities, uniformed or not, they are preparing the democratic assault on the elections next October.

In some they will repeat the scheme that they already launched on the last bridge in the streets of Buenaventura, patrolling the streets and forcing its inhabitants to act out of terror. In others, as happened yesterday in Barranquilla, they will use the networks to communicate the results of their bloody operations and deliver information on rival gangs that neither the Police nor the National Intelligence Agency have.

These gangs are not going to register candidates on their behalf, because they have not yet registered as political parties, but they will select the candidates and in tacit agreements, for convenience or electoral intelligence, they are in a position to divert the vote in favor of one or the other. popular vote by frightening, intimidating or extorting.

Meanwhile, the uniformed authorities, with their hands tied, will watch the episodes unfold from their barracks, since they will not be able to betray their president who gave the order to use weapons at will while carrying out dialogue processes with those who manage some gangs.

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Of course, we Colombians who are not assholes see the other gangs, the ones that do not dialogue but execute, exercising their full control under the shadow of peace.


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