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Hormonal imbalances, which are the symptoms that should not be underestimated

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Hormonal imbalances, which are the symptoms that should not be underestimated

Hormones stimulate different areas of our brain. Here are the symptoms that make you realize that they are out of balance.

Hormones affect all body functions: hunger, sleep, sex drive, metabolism, mood. There are about 50 of them in our body and, depending on the one in imbalance, you will accuse different ailments.

Hormonal imbalances can be temporary or chronic and then continue in the long term until the cause that triggered them is removed. Understanding, however, if there is something wrong with our body in this sense, is not at all difficult.

There are, in fact, some clear symptoms, signs of a hormonal imbalance that you really need to pay attention to.

What are the symptoms to pay attention to in case of imbalance

Hormonal imbalances almost always derive from unbalanced diets (you donā€™t get enough protein or healthy fats), from little movement and from stress. So, to prevent your hormones from going crazy, follow a balanced diet, play light sports (which do not stimulate cortisol but help reduce insulin levels), get enough rest and take natural supplements based on minerals, probiotics and vitamin D.

How is it possible to recognize the hormonal imbalance (tantasalute.it)

Here are the symptoms that should not be underestimated that make you understand that you are facing hormonal imbalances:

Polycystic ovary: is a hormonal syndrome caused by a malfunction of the ovary. The most obvious signs that make you understand that you suffer from it are the appearance of pimples (on the face, abdomen and breasts), hair and an irregular cycle. These disturbances are caused by an altered production of estrogen and progesterone but also by a greater amount of testosterone (this causes the appearance of pimples, overweight problems and greasy hair). When you notice these symptoms, go to your gynecologist and carry out blood tests to evaluate the levels of sex hormones (LH and FSH dosage, free and total testosterone); Hypothyroidism: mood swing and hair loss are the symptoms of this problem. Do blood tests, in particular evaluating the dosage of TSH and that of the free fractions of thyroid hormones, the FT3 and the FT4. At this point, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy; Hyperthyroidism: do you have tachycardia? Are you agitated? Your thyroid is producing too many antibodies and your body mistakenly unleashes them against the gland. The heartbeat accelerates because of this, the metabolism goes crazy. You get restless, canā€™t sleep, sweat too much and start losing weight. In addition, you may also have alterations in your cycle. Carry out blood tests to evaluate thyroid function: TSH, FT3, FT4, TRAB (anti-TSH receptor antibodies). Your doctor may prescribe methimazole-based antithyroid drugs, for limited periods, which help reduce hormone synthesis. What you need to watch out for: the signs of hormonal imbalance (tantasalute.it)

There are other symptoms that alert you to the presence of hormonal imbalances in your body. They are mostly ā€œemotionalā€ changes that you may mistake for something else but be careful, if they happen more often than normal, they are indicating that there is a hormonal imbalance.

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Loss of sexual desire and exhaustion: at the end of childbearing age, testosterone, the hormone of desire, decreases by 50%, and DHEA, one of the most important hormones in our body, decreases by 70-80%. This is why it is mainly women in menopause who experience these symptoms. To solve and alleviate the situation, after hormonal dosages, if the diagnosis is confirmed and the womanā€™s health conditions allow it, the doctor can prescribe hormone replacement therapy; Nervousness: cortisol is another very important hormone in our body. It is thanks to this that we have the timing to react in emergency situations but, when its value is too high (for example during times of stress), problems begin. In fact, the immune defenses decrease, blood pressure and blood sugar increase. Doing physical or aerobic activity but also yoga or meditation can help bring cortisol back to its normal values. The watchword is moderation, better not to go overboard with the gym.

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