Home » Used cars: here are the favorites of different generations in Italy

Used cars: here are the favorites of different generations in Italy

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Used cars: here are the favorites of different generations in Italy

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Automotive tastes also depend on the generation one belongs to. Autohero, the European online shop for used cars, has selected the models that won the hearts of the various Italian generations in the first quarter of 2023.

Gen Z’s favorite cars: Renault Clio, Ford Fiesta and Peugeot 208

In first place in the ranking of favorite cars of Gen Z (18-29 years) in the first quarter of 2023, we find the Renault Clio with a percentage of 6.1%, followed by the Ford Fiesta with 4.7% and the Peugeot 208 , which closes this podium with 4.5%. These preferences reflect Gen Z’s desire to own small, versatile, modern and technological cars, therefore able to offer a pleasant and safe driving experience, combining practicality and stability. Furthermore, the compact dimensions make them easy to handle in city traffic, allowing them to adapt to the needs of a more dynamic lifestyle, typical of Gen Z.

Gen Y’s favorite cars: Fiat Panda, Fiat 500, Renault Captur

On the other hand, as regards Gen Y, also called Millennials (30-49 years old), the Fiat Panda takes first place in the standings with 3.6%. In second place is instead the Fiat 500, which obtained 2.6% of preferences followed in third place by the Renault Captur with 2.5%. Despite being extremely different from each other, these cars share two fundamental characteristics: versatility and practicality. The Fiat Panda is a functional car, ideal for city life where spaces and parking areas may be limited. Furthermore, thanks to its versatility, it attracts different age groups, from singles to parents who need a car that adapts to their specific needs. The Fiat 500, on the other hand, style icon and Italians’ favorite car in 2022 according to Autohero, could not fail to earn a place in the hearts of millennials. Suitable for the city, it stands out for its practicality and compactness. Finally, the Renault Captur is a crossover that perfectly combines small dimensions with a large load capacity.

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Gen X’s favorite cars: Fiat Panda, Fiat 500, Toyota Yaris

Also for Gen X (50-59 years old) the Fiat Panda (with 4.9%) and the Fiat 500 (with 4.3%) took first and second place in the ranking of favorite used car models in the first quarter of 2023. In third place is the Toyota Yaris with 2.7%. Fiat is a brand with a very long tradition in the Belpaese and for this reason it has carved out a special place in the hearts of Italians and represents Italian spirit to the fullest: this is why it is so loved by generation X who grew up with this historic brand. The Fiat Panda and the Fiat 500, in addition to being iconic models, also have a nostalgic component. In fact, these cars evoke memories and feelings linked to the past, creating an emotional bond with the Gen X who have lived and appreciated them since their first trips. In third place is the Toyota Yaris, a compact car that has been introducing new propulsion technologies for some time now.

Baby Boomers’ favorite cars: Fiat Panda, Toyota Yaris and Lancia Ypsilon

We conclude with the ranking of Baby Boomers (60+ years old) in which, once again, the Fiat Panda reigns supreme, taking first place with a percentage of 8.8%, followed by the Toyota Yaris (4.0%) and by the Lancia Ypsilon (2.4%) in second and third place respectively. Also in this case the position of the Fiat Panda is not surprising: the historicity of this brand, but above all of this model, has influenced the choices of the Baby Boomers, who grew up with Fiat, the Italian car brand par excellence. Next we find the Toyota Yaris which also stands out for safety thanks to a wide range of advanced driver assistance systems and the Lancia Ypsilon, loved for its bodywork, which combines modern elements with a retro touch so appreciated by this generation.

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