Home » The Electoral Justice investigates Milei for complaints about “sales” of candidacies

The Electoral Justice investigates Milei for complaints about “sales” of candidacies

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The Electoral Justice investigates Milei for complaints about “sales” of candidacies

The controversy that was unleashed from the complaints about alleged “sales” of candidacies in the Libertad Avanza front, led by presidential candidate Javier Milei, motivated the electoral Justice to initiate a preventive investigation to determine if there were indeed irregularities.

The prosecutor with electoral competence Ramiro González opened the file due to the “institutional gravity” of the complaints and urgently issued a series of summons to hear several of the protagonists of the scandal.

Milei denied the accusations, true to form. “In these days we have been harshly questioned about the financing of our campaign. I tell you: in our space each one self-finances the campaign, that is to say that we finance the campaign with our own money, with our own effort. That bothers traditional politicians. Do you know why it bothers them? Because they are financed with the money from taxes. That is, they steal what you pay to run campaigns, ”she said through a video that she posted on social networks.

Next, the libertarian economist announced that he will initiate legal action against “all that group of people who slandered us, insulted us, and have said things that have no proof.” “This corrupt system where good people have to pay for the follies of politicians is over,” he insisted.

In recent days, Milei was caught up in a scandal due to the public statements made by, among others, the businessman Juan Carlos Blumberg to denounce that in La Libertad Avanza the payment of a high amount in dollars was demanded to enable candidacies.

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“Apparently, the one who asked was (Carlos) Kikuchi, the other (Sebastián) was a couple, and the sister (Karina Milei). There are people who paid up to US$50,000 ″, Blumberg said in radio statements that he made last Monday.

The repercussions were unleashed by an alleged agreement between Milei and Massa.

Kikuchi came out to respond and accused the presidential hopefuls of the Together for Change coalition Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and the referents of Kirchnerism: “The operations and defamations against Milei and our space arise from the fear they have in JXC, Patricia because she believes that Javier Larreta will win the Paso and Larreta because she believes that (Diego) Santilli loses the PBA, and the Ks because they believe they are 3rd”.

Blumberg’s proposals gained strength shortly after, when Milei’s reference in the province of Entre Ríos, Liliana Salinas, acknowledged that contributions were required “at the national level” for the campaign. In statements to news, the Entre Ríos leader targeted another of the shipowners, Julio Serna.

For the time being, prosecutor González will begin the round of testimonial statements next Tuesday, which included Blumberg, the Buenos Aires legislator Rebeca Fleitas, the ex-militant of La Libertad Avanza Mila Zurbriggen and the lawyer Carlos Maslatón.

Maslatón confirmed on Thursday that Milei did not want to give him an internship to be able to “ask for money for the candidacies” and pointed out that the economist “fell to pieces” the speech he held against what he called “the caste of politics.”

“Those who campaign with transparency turn out to be the least ethical. The last scene of the disaster is that to be a candidate the hierarchy (of LLA) asks you for money. Milei did not want interns because she could not do all this business, she marginalized the militancy and brought in people from outside who filled out the lists. Everything she said about the caste of politics fell apart, ”Maslatón said in statements to FutuRock.

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For these hours, Milei was at the center of a new electoral controversy due to versions that indicate that he made agreements with the presidential candidate of the official coalition Union for the Homeland Sergio Massa.

Maslatón validated these versions on Thursday, despite the fact that the national government came out to reject them and, through the presidential spokesperson Gabriela Cerruti, described them as “nonsense.”

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