Home » Two of Joaquín’s schoolmates broke the silence in Laboulaye: “He wasn’t mean”

Two of Joaquín’s schoolmates broke the silence in Laboulaye: “He wasn’t mean”

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Two of Joaquín’s schoolmates broke the silence in Laboulaye: “He wasn’t mean”

The investigation into the crime of Joaquín Sperani (14) in the city of Laboulaye is advancing with absolute secrecy in the Court of Control, Offenses, Childhood, Youth, Juvenile Criminal, Family and Gender Violence in charge of Judge Sebastián Moro. This Friday it was confirmed that there will be no judicial fair in this case and work will continue to get to the truth, as confirmed by Justice to La Voz.

Meanwhile, at Ipem No. 278 Malvinas Argentinas, where the murdered boy attended and L., the colleague and friend identified as the perpetrator of the homicide, resumed their activities with reduced hours on Thursday and this Friday they will have normal hours. Then, he goes on school break for winter break.

In this context, two third-year classmates, where Joaquín and L. went, spoke to a national media outlet and gave some details about the relationship between the students inside the school, today strongly questioned by Mariela Flores, the victim’s mother, with complaints of alleged bullying.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education of the Province informed this medium that the secondary school is the subject of an administrative investigation.

The story of the companions of Joaquín and L.

Two 14-year-old students -the identity is withheld because they are minors- were classmates of Joaquín Sperani since the first year. Not so L. that he entered that school this year.

In an interview with the American Breakfast program (America), the girls said that on Thursday June 29 – when Joaquín was last seen – they had a physical education shift from 9 in the morning to 11:20.

Laboulaye. Two companions of Joaquín and L. gave their testimony for a Buenos Aires medium (TV Capture).

“We were in physical education. Joaquín never showed up, he never went. At 10 in the morning L. -identity is reserved because he is a minor- showed up at the school door and asked if we had seen Joaquín,” said a student, adding that at 11:20 when they left they did not see him further.

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The girls returned to their homes and at 2:20 p.m. they returned to Ipem No. 278 to take other subjects from the third year.

“L. he was in the classroom, sitting in the class with a classmate. Normal, she laughed, ”explained the other girl.

According to a film record held by the court, Joaquín arrived late that day at school. A security camera recorded the exit of his house at 2:57 p.m.

According to Mariela Flores, she told the course teacher that Joaquín was going to be late that day.

The adolescent arrived at the institution and left his bicycle in a bike rack that is ahead. It is not clear if he entered the institution. But for some reason, the last images of the boy’s life are with L., walking down Daireaux street. A home security camera recorded the passage of the boys.

Laboulaye. The last image of Joaquín alive that is known so far (Video capture).

L. returned to school. 68 hours after that recording, Joaquín appeared lifeless in an abandoned house, in Sarmiento at 470, just over 100 meters from the school.

According to the Sperani-Flores family, Joaquín and L. have been friends since third grade, when they met at an elementary school in the city when they were eight years old.

Laboulaye. Sarmiento at 470, the house where Joaquín Sperani was found dead (Courtesy).

Consulted on this point, the classmates said that inside the classroom they had the behavior of classmates, not friends.

“We don’t know if they were friends from outside. At school they had a bond as classmates,” said one student, to which the other added: “They weren’t even together at recess.”

According to these students, L. and another classmate, who made up the group “The Three Musketeers” along with Joaquín, were annoyed when they had to form a group with him in some school activity.

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“They did not integrate it,” they detailed. In relation to his disappearance, they said they thought the teenager “had gone somewhere” or someone adult “had taken him away” as happens in other cities.

“Joaquín was very calm. He joined our class with another classmate M. -his identity is withheld because he is a minor-. He behaved very well. He was not evil ”, described her classmates from the first year.

In another order of things, they slipped that inside the course he received ridicule from other people and that sometimes things were taken from him. “He thought that all the boys and girls were good like him,” they said.

Regarding their search for his whereabouts, they stated that they found out on Friday morning. That the brochures with their data began to be shared on social networks and that they were in the mobilization on Saturday.

“For us, there is an adult involved in Joaquín’s death,” they opined.

The public defender met with L.

On Thursday, public defender Mariana Ferreyra, a native of Laboulaye, traveled to Bouwer and met with L., who is housed in an Admission and Diagnostic Center (CAD) in Complejo Esperanza.

According to Justice, Ferreyra will fulfill the role of “complementary representative of the adolescent in the juvenile criminal process.”

“Joaquín Law”: a project promoted by the local Deliberative Council

On Thursday night, at the Deliberative Council in Laboulaye, a project was voted that repudiates the horrifying crime in the city. Yamil Reygosa, president of that legislative body, told La Voz that he urges provincial legislators to deal with a serious bill on the age of criminal responsibility in Argentina.

“The project was voted unanimously. Now the next step is to formalize it in the municipal Executive, once signed by Mayor Abdala, hand it over to the provincial legislators so that they in the Unicameral can deal with it, ”said the mayor. And he added: “Then see if through deputies from Córdoba he can reach the lower house. At the national level there are many projects on this issue going around”.

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Dying at 14: Joaquín’s crime moves an entire country

According to what is stated in the judicial case, Joaquín disappeared on Thursday, June 29 when he arrived at the Ipem school No. 278 “Malvinas Argentinas”, left the bicycle in the school yard and left without going to class.

School. On the door of Ipem No. 278 there are posters stuck with Joaquín’s face (Courtesy Fernando Agüero).

That Thursday, after 4:00 p.m., all trace of the boy was lost. The security cameras in the area analyzed show the moment when the boy walks down the sidewalk, a few meters from his school, accompanied by L., his friend and schoolmate, who is late today and is suspected of being the perpetrator of the crime. , after he told the police and judicial authorities on Sunday, according to reports, that he “had killed him.”

That June 29, Joaquín’s parents were alarmed at not hearing from him after school and filed a complaint with the Laboulaye Departmental Unit, which gave rise to the search.

Infographic: The last known route of Joaquín

Finally, on Sunday the body of the teenager was found by neighbors in an abandoned house located just over 100 meters from the school, after which Joaquín’s friend was arrested, who cannot be charged for the crime because he is 14 years old. and it is not punishable according to the laws in force in Argentina.

Laboulaye. The house where the lifeless body of the teenager was found on Sunday (La Voz).

The autopsy determined that the boy had multiple blows to the head that caused head trauma and brain damage that led to his death.

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