Home » The Controversy Surrounding the US Supply of Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

The Controversy Surrounding the US Supply of Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

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Title: U.S. to Provide Cluster Munitions of Mass Destruction to Ukraine, Sparks Controversy

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, July 7 – The U.S. government’s decision to supply Ukraine with additional military aid worth $800 million, including cluster munitions of mass destruction, has ignited a heated debate and drawn criticism from various parties. Cluster munitions, considered highly lethal and forbidden by U.S. law, have raised concerns about the potential for civilian casualties and harm in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis.

Cluster munitions are airborne bombs or artillery shells that disperse numerous small bomblets over a wide area. When they touch the ground, they explode, causing significant damage. However, the unexploded bomblets left behind can pose a long-term threat to civilians in the vicinity. Deadly and prone to causing civilian casualties, cluster munitions have been historically used by the U.S. military in conflicts like the Vietnam War, Gulf War, Kosovo War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War, causing extensive harm to civilian facilities and resulting in the loss of countless civilian lives.

The decision by the United States to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine has evoked questions about the rationale behind this move. U.S. National Security Adviser Sullivan defended the decision, emphasizing the need to prevent further territorial encroachment by Russia. He acknowledged the risks associated with duds in cluster munitions but argued that the absence of ammunition in Ukraine would create an unacceptable situation for the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Defense’s statement emphasized that the decision to provide cluster munitions was made after extensive consultation with Congress, U.S. allies, and partners. The specific quantity of cluster munitions supplied has not been disclosed. The department claims that the dud rate in the cluster munitions provided this time does not exceed 2.35%. However, it is worth noting that this action is in violation of U.S. laws, which prohibit the production, use, or transfer of cluster munitions with a dud rate greater than 1%. According to reports, the cluster munitions supplied to Ukraine contain 72 small bombs with a dud rate of approximately 6%, indicating that for every cluster bomb fired, at least four small bomblets are duds.

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The decision has triggered a swift response from various parties. Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, expressed opposition to the use of cluster munitions on the battlefield. Democratic senators Patrick Leahy and Jeff Merkley criticized the decision as a grave mistake that would exact an “unbearable moral and political price” on the U.S. Russia’s Vice Chairman of the Federation Council, Kosachev, accused the U.S. of involving itself in the conflict at the expense of civilian lives and deemed the country responsible for any future casualties resulting from these weapons. Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov criticized the U.S. government for disregarding expert opinions on the inhumane use of cluster munitions and ignoring the consequences faced by civilians.

Numerous human rights organizations have also voiced their opposition to the U.S. supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine, citing concerns about the potential for civilian harm. Over the past year, as the Ukrainian crisis has escalated, the U.S. government has provided more than $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine, a move that has faced growing opposition from Americans who question the allocation of substantial funds to support a conflict abroad. Additionally, Russia has continuously criticized Western countries, primarily the United States, for exacerbating the situation in the Ukrainian crisis.

The decision to supply cluster munitions to Ukraine has intensified the ongoing debate surrounding the conflict. While supporters argue it strengthens Ukraine’s defense capabilities, opponents emphasize the potential for civilian casualties and the violation of U.S. laws. As the crisis continues, the international community closely watches the implications of this controversial move.

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