Home » Olives, do you know why we should eat them? Rich in nutrients

Olives, do you know why we should eat them? Rich in nutrients

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Olives, do you know why we should eat them?  Rich in nutrients

Do you know the properties of olives? These small fruits are packed with nutrients. That’s why we should eat them!

Olives, regardless of their color, be they green or black, are extraordinary allies not only for digestion, but also for our overall well-being. Let’s see some of them beneficial properties.

Olives, types and cultivation

Olives are a fundamental fruit for a balanced diet and represent a distinctive element of the Mediterranean diet. These small fruits come from from the olive tree and offer us numerous health benefits thanks to their richness in antioxidants, therapeutic and organoleptic properties.

In Italy, olives are particularly important and are mainly grown in regions such as Calabria, Sicily, Puglia and Campania, which contribute 85% of the national production. The cultivation of olives is generally divided between those that are intended for the production of oil and those that are consumed directly.

Olives can be of different varieties and colors, depending on their degree of ripeness and the protein and fat content. In Italy, there are about 400 varieties of olives, but among the most common we find the Cerignola olives, Taggiasca olives.

Properties and benefits, why should we eat olives

Olives are a veritable treasure trove of beneficial substances for the human body and can play a significant role in counteracting the damage caused by free radicals. These fruits are a rich source of essential vitamins such as vitamina A, B, C, E and they are also a valuable source of mineral salts including iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iodine.

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Eat olives – wineandfoodtour.it

Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid found in olives, is known for its multiple health benefits, including the ability to reduce LDL cholesterol levels (so-called “bad cholesterol”) and to promote cardiovascular health. Furthermore, olives are rich in fiber, which plays a vital role in regulating the intestinal system and aiding digestion.

But the virtues of olives do not end there. Within these fruits there are important antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential to counteract oxidative stress and protect cells from the action of free radicals. In particular, hydroxytyrosol, present in olives, it is a powerful antioxidant and has also demonstrated anticancer properties.

The importance of eating olives has been known for a long time. This diet, which is based on the habit of consuming fresh, unprocessed and nutrient-rich foods, has been associated with numerous health benefits, including a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Olives, thanks to their nutritional and antioxidant properties, are a key element of this healthy diet.

The olive drupethe edible part of the fruit, contains a unique combination of nutrients, the percentage of edible part varies from 74% to 84%, depending on the degree of ripeness and conservation of the olive.

The olive consists mainly of water, which represents about 50% of the fruit. Triglycerides, in particular monounsaturated fatty acids, make up about 20% of the olive.

Carbohydrates are present in the olive in one percentage of about 20%, while proteins make up about 1.5%. Cellulose, a form of dietary fiber, accounts for about 6% of the fruit. The presence of fibers in the olive helps to promote intestinal regularity and can have positive effects on digestion and satiety.

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Olive – wineandfoodtour.it

The drupe of the olive also contains ashes, which are the mineral residues present in the fruit. Furthermore, phytosterols are present, which are substances that can have a natural antioxidant action. This antioxidant action is enhanced by the presence of polyphenols, chlorophyll and fat-soluble vitamins, especially carotenoids. These antioxidant compounds help counteract oxidative stress and protect cells from free radical damage.

Another important feature of the olive is the absence of cholesterol. This makes it a healthy option for those looking to control blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, the olive is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are important for the health of the human body.

Olives and oil, benefits for the skin and cosmetics

Extra virgin olive oil and olives not only offer health and physical well-being benefits, but also potential cosmetic advantages thanks to their antioxidant and anti-aging properties. In particular, extra virgin olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is known for its properties protective and moisturizing for the skin.

The acid composition of extra virgin olive oil is similar to that of our skin tissue and adipose tissue, which allows it to penetrate deeply into the skin. This characteristic makes it an ideal ingredient to address skin problems and disorders. Indeed, in ancient times, civilizations such as Sparta, Athens and Rome attached great importance to the use of olive oil for beautyeven more than its food value.

Today, the cosmetic industry uses many recipes that exploit the benefits of the fruit of the olive tree. It is also possible to prepare “soothing” cosmetic remedies at home, called “oleolites”, which can help smooth and moisturize the skin.

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Olive oil – wineandfoodtour.it

For example, you can create a emollient soap mixing extra virgin olive oil with a handful of green olives reduced to a paste. By adding baking soda, glycerin and a few drops of fragrant essential oil to the thick mixture, a firm dough is obtained which is shaped into a loaf of bread and left to rest in the refrigerator before using. This soap can deliver moisturizing and nourishing benefits to the skin.

Another cosmetic preparation can be a cream based on rice boiled to a creamy consistency. Stirring well-filtered rice with extra virgin olive oil, blended green olives and a little water, a cream is created which can be spread on the legs to form a film. After an hour, the cream can be removed with a warm shower or a soft washcloth.

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