Home » Online piracy, definitive green light to the law with the darkening of sites in 30 minutes

Online piracy, definitive green light to the law with the darkening of sites in 30 minutes

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Online piracy, definitive green light to the law with the darkening of sites in 30 minutes

Increased penalties

The bill also provides for the tightening of sanctions which will result in imprisonment of up to 3 years for those who illegally transmit the contents, and sanctions of up to 5 thousand euros for those who instead benefit from it. In addition to the deterrence action, however, communication and awareness campaigns are envisaged.

Technical table and platform

At this point there are two more steps to complete the mosaic. “Within thirty days from the date of entry into force of this law – as written in the law just approved by the Senate – the Authority, in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Agency, convenes a technical table” in order to “define the requirements technical and operational tools necessary to allow the disabling of domain names or IP addresses” thanks to “a single technological platform with automated operation”. This platform must be ready «within six months». The law provides certain funding until 2032 for Agcom called to this new activity with the addition of 10 other people.


«With this law, Italy becomes a model for Europe in the fight against a social, economic and cultural scourge. Tackling piracy in the bud, knocking down illegal sites in 30 minutes, serves to protect a significant economic share of the country system, to protect jobs and to secure the data of millions of citizens”, says Massimiliano Capitanio, Commissioner Agcom and already a signatory, in the previous legislature, of a proposed law against piracy.

Fapav and Anica

“Now is the time for a battle in society, and among consumers, to make people understand that piracy is the enemy of freedom, because it damages creativity, work, businesses,” says Francesco Rutelli, president of Anica. “The speed of parliamentary work and the unanimity of the Chamber and Senate in approving the bill are two aspects that highlight the common intention of acting on a phenomenon that impacts on the Italian economy” comments Federico Bagnoli Rossi, president of Fapav.

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Duilio (Sky): «Phenomenon that damages the creative industry»

“The anti-piracy law approved today by the Senate is a decisive step in countering a phenomenon that damages the creative and sports industries, destroying thousands of jobs and fueling organized crime,” said Andrea Duilio, CEO of Sky Italia. “The new law will make it possible to combat this phenomenon more effectively and to reaffirm the legality of protection for all those who legitimately enjoy their favorite content,” concluded Duilio.

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