Home » Ripple Scores Judicial Victory over SEC as XRP Declared Not a Security

Ripple Scores Judicial Victory over SEC as XRP Declared Not a Security

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Ripple Scores Judicial Victory over SEC as XRP Declared Not a Security

Title: Ripple’s Judicial Victory Over SEC’s XRP Classification Reverberates within Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

Date: July 13, 2023

The Ripple company, issuer of the XRP cryptocurrency, celebrated a significant judicial victory on Thursday, July 13, as New York District Judge Analisa Torres overturned the arguments presented by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which had categorized XRP as a security. This conclusion, reached after almost three years of litigation, is seen as a major win for Ripple co-founders and the XRP community.

The SEC’s allegation that Ripple had offered unregistered securities was thrown out by Judge Torres’ ruling. James Murphy, a prominent lawyer and cryptocurrency market analyst known as MetaLawMan, expressed his support for the decision, citing the judge’s assertion that sales and distributions of XRP to anonymous buyers do not constitute investment contracts.

Stuart Alderoty, another lawyer, concurred with the judgment, highlighting that the court found institutional sales of XRP to be investment contracts. He expects further legal proceedings to focus solely on these institutional sales.

The ruling has broader implications for the cryptocurrency market as Judge Torres’ decision establishes that the sale of XRP on exchanges does not qualify as the commercialization of securities. Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of the Gemini crypto asset exchange, sees this as a defining moment that undermines the Securities and Exchange Commission’s jurisdiction over cryptocurrencies. Winklevoss believes the SEC and its president, Gary Gensler, are now limited to regulating traditional finance alone, rendering them obsolete and outdated in this rapidly evolving industry.

Critics have long argued against the SEC’s attempt to assert control over the cryptocurrency ecosystem while failing to clearly define its jurisdiction. The SEC’s regulatory control over the market has been challenged by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the United States.

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However, despite this judicial victory for Ripple, the legal battle is far from over. Legal experts from the Gordon Law Group suggest that Judge Torres’ decision will likely be appealed, possibly reaching the United States Supreme Court. The potential appeal could open the door for the decision to be overturned.

In light of these developments, it remains to be seen how the SEC will proceed. The Gordon Law Group speculates that the SEC will continue to litigate in the district of New York to gain a favorable judgment and subsequently seek more injunctions as different districts might have conflicting rulings.

Judge Torres’ ruling sets a precedent for similar court cases involving cryptocurrencies, providing clarity on the classification of XRP and potentially other cryptocurrencies in the market. The decision reinforces the notion that XRP, much like Bitcoin, is considered a commodity rather than a security.

This ruling marks a crucial moment for Ripple and the broader cryptocurrency community, shedding light on the regulatory landscape and the boundaries of the SEC’s authority. As the legal battle continues, the implications of this case will undoubtedly reverberate throughout the industry, shaping future regulations and legal frameworks that govern cryptocurrencies.

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