Home » Summer, the advice of the neurosurgeon to rest the psyche and stimulate creativity

Summer, the advice of the neurosurgeon to rest the psyche and stimulate creativity

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Summer, the advice of the neurosurgeon to rest the psyche and stimulate creativity

In these days of summer many are dedicated to the health of their bodies, but few are concerned about the brain.

Yet it is the organ to which we should devote more attention. Even our brain, to stay fit, needs to have moments of relaxation, without problems to solve or nagging thoughts. Many essential things for health take place with rest: the immune system is recharged, the waste products that mental activity produce and which, accumulating, would prevent the brain from working well, are eliminated, neuro modulators are released, essential for fighting stress and with it the Depression. But while we sleep or relax, does our mind really rest?

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A good night’s rest

Science tells us that, even in these moments, the brain continues to work. During sleep it transports us to the world of dreams, so important for our memory, to expand connections between brain cells and, upon awakening, make us have larger neural networks. This is why it is important to sleep well, at least five hours a night. If we can’t fall asleep, especially in the heat of summer, we can have concentration difficulties, lower productivity at work or in studies, states of anxiety and stress, with irritability and mood swings that can lead to depression. Sleep is so important for our psychic balance that if you don’t sleep well, you should consult a doctor.

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Take a break even during the day

Even idle breaks during the day are important, because it is in these moments that our mind wanders and, almost unconsciously, realizes that sort of contamination between ideas which is the basis of creativity and imagination, among the most important elements of our intelligence. So, let’s take moments to relax, without committing ourselves to specific tasks, let’s do new and different things from the usual that stimulate creativity, fantasy and imagination, let’s dedicate ourselves to a hobby, read a book for the pleasure of doing it, take a walk in nature, talk with a friend. Among the pleasant things to do, let’s go back to the cinema; with its ability to make us dream, a film drives away problems and activates our imagination and our emotions. Resting the brain ultimately stimulates essential functions for our psycho-physical balance. And all this, without any effort. Just close your eyes and stop for a moment.

Julius Maira

Humanitas Professor of Neurosurgery, Milan President of the Atena Onlus Foundation, Rome

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