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Seasickness on a boat: what to eat before setting sail

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Seasickness on a boat: what to eat before setting sail

Summer also means enjoying a day on the boat: what to do if you suffer from seasickness? What to eat and what to avoid

The warm season is now in full swing and we all want to enjoy every single day. Picnics, excursions, the sea, the swimming pool, in short, we have many ways to relax and recharge our batteries. Some adventurous people also enjoy taking boat trips, whether they last for a day or several and which are sure to be a great way to celebrate summer. But what to do if you suffer from seasickness? Here are some recommended foods and others to avoid to try to keep symptoms under control.

Like motion sickness, it is a widespread and sometimes disabling annoyance. In fact, it prevents us from enjoying the moment, as we find ourselves dealing with symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, sweats. Does this mean that we have to give up on our projects? Absolutely no. In the pharmacy there are several products that can help us, even on the advice of the doctor. Others, however, are completely natural and strictly connected to what we eat.

Seasickness: what to eat before a boat ride and what to avoid

Given that one of the most perceived symptoms is precisely nausea, sometimes accompanied by actual vomiting, the ideal is to prevent and make sure that our stomach is better able to bear the “experience”. Some foods, therefore, are recommended while others, however, should be avoided. What are these?

Help against seasickness to enjoy the day (tantasalute.it)

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Better avoid alcohol, but also drinks such as coffee and milk, as well as freshly squeezed orange juice for their acidic component. It’s generally better do not overdo the meal before boardingas digestion will be slower and the feeling of heaviness and swelling will not help us. Green light, however, to savory snacks, such as crackers and dry bread. Just like we need to avoid overeating, fasting is also not the best alternative. Better to choose something fresh and light that fills us up and keeps us energetic.

Between natural remedies at our disposal are lemon, to sip in a lemonade version or even “fresh” to bite or smell. It seems that even consuming a banana before boarding can contribute, due to the nutrients it brings to the body. We obviously remember that when the problem is very severe, contacting your doctor can be the best solution: he will be able to recommend a specific product that can help.

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