Home » Controversial electoral campaign of the mayor of Miami offering tickets for Messi’s debut

Controversial electoral campaign of the mayor of Miami offering tickets for Messi’s debut

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Controversial electoral campaign of the mayor of Miami offering tickets for Messi’s debut

A strong Controversy sparked on social media for the launch by the mayor of Miami, Francis Suárez, to carry out a fundraiser for his presidential campaign 2024 in the U.S, with the ‘hook’ that his followers can win tickets for the debut of world soccer star Lionel Messi in Major League Soccer.

«Win front row tickets to see Lionel Messi debut at Inter Miami»reads the poster that circulates through the personal social networks of the American politician.

should be allocated one dollar for its release in the primary elections of the Republican Party to be able to access the benefit of participating for the tickets of the first game of the Argentine star.

Two hours after the announcement, the mayor himself had to issue a statement to clarify the situation among his followersdue to the great controversy and the comments that were generated through the same digital media.

«The federal election commission allows one person to contribute up to $3,300 per election“, mentions the writing of the Floridian politician. “Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, address, occupation, and name of employer of each individual who contributes more than $200 for each election cycle.” In turn, he clarifies that “Contributions from foreign citizens, government contractors, and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes,” the letter closes.

Elected mayor of the city in 2017 and re-elected four years later, Suarez has been a staunch defender of cryptocurrencies in his district.

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At the end of 2021, the Republican leader confessed to the Bloomberg television medium that his next check would be received “100% in Bitcoin.”

Besides, The candidate announced that he was already seeking to expand the use of cryptocurrencies throughout the area to South Florida, to promote among residents the possibility of paying their taxes or receiving their salaries through digital currency.

Lionel Messi caused a revolution in the United States, even in the presidential race for the White House.

By Sebastián Saijo, special from Télam

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