Home » Riders meet preparation for Pan American Endurance

Riders meet preparation for Pan American Endurance

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The rain and the cold were some of the factors to be overcome by the pairs (rider and horse) in the International Endurance Race. One of the animators of the equestrian contest was Felipe Andrade from Cuenca, in the youth 100 kilometer category. He is getting ready to represent the country in the Pan American Games in Chile that will take place in November.

According to Sebastián Donoso, organizer of the event, this discipline involves a timed resistance on a marked route. The first couple to finish within the established criteria wins.

“In this sport, the speed, skill and physical and psychological resistance of the horse and rider are put to the test. Both must travel great distances in one day, through various terrains and against the clock”, explained Donoso, host of the joust that took place at the Bellavista Equestrian Center.

Donoso also made it known that the competitor must have the ability to measure the effort of his animal and keep an adequate pace during the test. The level shown in the International Race had a demanding status. Well, the endorsement of the appointment was given by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI). Therefore, there were categories of one and two stars.

That is to say, 100 and 120 kilometers. This last distance served to define more classified to the Pan American in Chile. There were also training classes, from five kilometers and the national ones (40, 60 and 80 km).

For Azuay, the brothers José Daniel and Felipe Andrade have a ticket to the fair on Chilean soil.

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Felipe is 14 years old and has been a rider in the Endurance for six. His objective is to be among the best in the Pan American and for that he attends some events in preparation.

“In this competition I sought, together with Emiliana (mare), the classification to the final of the 120 km, of the National Ranking, in Quito. I had a good pace and we secured first place. In the international arena I will seek to be in the top five. During the week I have three training sessions”, commented Andrade, who dreams of being a world champion.

The young rider says that for the Pan American he will use Alambra, a horse found in Uruguay.

Along with the Andrade brothers, Javier Valverde from Guayaquil and Héctor Almeida and César Morabawen from Quito are also classified for the event in Chile.

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