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Massive Entertainment’s ‘Star Wars Outlaws’: A New Open-World Adventure Set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

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Massive Entertainment’s ‘Star Wars Outlaws’: A New Open-World Adventure Set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

ā€œUbisoftā€™s First ā€˜Star Warsā€™ Game, ā€˜Star Wars Outlawsā€™, Offers Exciting Details on Planets and Gameplayā€

Gaming enthusiasts and Star Wars fans alike are eagerly anticipating the release of Ubisoftā€™s first Star Wars game, ā€œStar Wars Outlaws.ā€ Developed by Massive Entertainment, the studio behind the popular ā€œThe Divisionā€ series, this highly anticipated game was first unveiled in January 2021 and made its grand debut in June of this year. Now, creative director Julian Gerighty has revealed exciting new details about the game in an interview with ā€œEdgeā€ magazine.

One of the most intriguing aspects of ā€œStar Wars Outlawsā€ is its open-world design, a first for the Star Wars series. The gameā€™s storyline takes place between the events of ā€œThe Empire Strikes Backā€ and ā€œReturn of the Jedi,ā€ adding an exciting new chapter to the beloved franchise.

Players will have the chance to explore the vast planets of the Milky Way, with the gameā€™s size and production details impressing even the most dedicated gamers. Gerighty compared the scale of the planets to that of Ubisoftā€™s popular game, ā€œAssassinā€™s Creed: Odyssey,ā€ stating, ā€œA planet could be the size of two regions in Assassinā€™s Creed: Odyssey.ā€ This promises a truly immersive and expansive gaming experience.

In contrast to other upcoming games, such as Bethesdaā€™s ā€œStarry Sky,ā€ which boasts over 1,000 generated planets, ā€œStar Wars Outlawsā€ takes a different approach. Gerighty confirmed that all the planets and locations in the game are handcrafted, adding a level of detail and intentional design that cannot be achieved through AI generation alone. While not on the same grand scale as the Star Wars universe, the handcrafted planets still offer a unique and captivating experience.

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Though players wonā€™t have the ability to freely explore space above the planets as they would in Star Wars, the game will feature spectacular near-orbiting areas to explore. From asteroids to abandoned space stations, there will be no shortage of thrilling adventures awaiting players in the galaxy.

Gerighty emphasized the importance of player freedom in an open-world game, stating, ā€œWhat we really care about is what does ā€˜open worldā€˜ mean to the player? The complete freedom to play.ā€ This commitment to player agency is sure to make ā€œStar Wars Outlawsā€ a hit among fans.

The highly anticipated game is set to launch in 2024 on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. Players will assume the role of Kai Wes, an up-and-coming rogue who, with the help of his ally Nicky, sets out to secure freedom and a fresh start in life. As players progress, they will engage in thrilling battles, daring heists, and encounters with various crime syndicates, all in the pursuit of becoming the most sought-after figure in the galaxy.

As the release date draws nearer, gamers and Star Wars enthusiasts can hardly contain their excitement for this groundbreaking addition to the Star Wars gaming universe. With its handcrafted planets, immersive gameplay, and focus on player freedom, ā€œStar Wars Outlawsā€ promises to be a truly unforgettable gaming experience.

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