Home » Guachaca Reference Center strengthens the institutional presence of the Mayor’s Office

Guachaca Reference Center strengthens the institutional presence of the Mayor’s Office

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Guachaca Reference Center strengthens the institutional presence of the Mayor’s Office

The fully equipped space for its operation was inaugurated by Mayor Virna Johnson, in response to the needs expressed by the community.

With the aim of bringing the different institutional offers closer together and improving the quality of life of the communities of the Guachaca corregimiento, Mayor Virna Johnson delivered the new Referencing Center, which was built by the Governments of Change, directly addressing the requests and needs of the communities.

“We delivered the Guachaca Reference Center that benefits 12 thousand people. It is a headquarters of the Mayor’s Office in the rural area to put all our offer at the service close to their homes and that they can save the time and money they invested when moving to the urban area,” said Mayor Virna Johnson.

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The community will have easier access to different services, as indicated by Francina Feliciano, mother leader of Familias en Acción de Guachaca. “The population will no longer have to travel to Santa Marta, but now they have here the place to manage their errands, such as Sisbén, Familias en Acción and many other activities carried out by the Mayor’s Office. This is very important, since they will save time and ticket expenses to be able to do it here in Guachaca. We thank God for the opportunity to have the Reference Center, and we express our gratitude to the Mayor’s Office, the Mayor for her management and all her entourage”.

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Likewise, Ingrid Montenegro, president of the JAC village of Las Tinajas, added how will benefit the sector with the Referencing Center : “I am very happy for this Referencing center that we have been waiting for a long time. This is very big and we are very happy to receive it.

Many times we had to go to the city of Santa Marta to resolve any situation, but now we can do it right here in the village of Guachaca.”

The Referencing Center will have a positive impact by providing care in Sisbén, health, enrollment in the Familias en Acción, Colombia Mayor programs, training, entrepreneurship workshops, among others. The Governments of Change continue to work in a committed manner to benefit all the communities of the District.

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