Home » “On trial for defending the 41 bis”. Delmastro unleashes the wrath of the 5 Stars

“On trial for defending the 41 bis”. Delmastro unleashes the wrath of the 5 Stars

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“On trial for defending the 41 bis”.  Delmastro unleashes the wrath of the 5 Stars

Justice, new FdI-M5S clash

We are proud of what we have done defending the 41bis”. The vice president of Copasir and organizational manager of FdI Giovanni Donzelli defends his friend Andrea Delmastro, the undersecretary under investigation for disclosure of official secrecy in relation to the Cospito case, for which the investigating judge of Rome ordered the forced indictment. Speaking from Palermo, the two squires of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party claim their actions: “When Cospito knowingly decided with organized crime to continue the war aimed at bringing down the harsh prison – says Delmastro himself – someone like me and my friend Donzelli saw all of this and dared to put his chest first. That someone ended up on trial and all the others didn’t”. In short, we read on www.ilfattoquotidiano.it, the undersecretary claims to be under investigation for having defended the 41 bis. While Donzelli attacks: “We do not accept lessons from anyone, I am thinking of the friends of the M5s who, when they were in government with the excuse of Covid, released mafiosi”. Immediate reply of Five stars: “He should just shut up and instead still allows himself to make false accusations. He should have left his job at Copasir months ago for having jeopardized national security, together with his friend Delmastro, by waving to the rooftops investigative information covered by secrecy ”.

Donzelli and Delmastro from Palermo tell their version of the facts. “We did it consciously”, says the undersecretary of justice. “Speaking of the looters who dare to touch the center-right in the fight against the mafia these days – continues Delmastro – we have honored Paolo Borsellino with the first act of the Meloni government: to secure the life sentence as an obstacle to failures that came from all sides “. “For us, harsh prison and life imprisonment are not excessive measures. The whole world studies our harsh prison, life imprisonment, preventive measures such as seizures and confiscations. Italy is an example and exports anti-mafia legislation and we are proud of it ”, he adds speaking at the round table of the ‘Talk about the mafia’ conference, organized by the FdI parliamentary groups of the Chamber and Senate.

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