Home » The Hidden Struggles of Healthcare Professionals: Mental Health and Burnout in the Medical Field

The Hidden Struggles of Healthcare Professionals: Mental Health and Burnout in the Medical Field

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The Hidden Struggles of Healthcare Professionals: Mental Health and Burnout in the Medical Field

Title: Mental Health Challenges Faced by Healthcare Professionals during and after the Pandemic

In recent years, mental health has become the focal point of political and social debates across various sectors. The healthcare industry, particularly its workers who were exposed to extreme situations during the pandemic, has not been exempted from this discussion. Ana Gutiérrez Salegui, a forensic psychologist, highlights the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in admitting their own mental health struggles, such as burnout, anxiety, and depression. Gutiérrez explains that the belief that acknowledging these problems may tarnish their professional image hinders healthcare workers from seeking help.

One of the difficulties faced by healthcare professionals is their struggle in self-diagnosing mental health issues. Gutiérrez emphasizes that irritability towards patients, difficulty in sleeping, and the presence of psychosomatic symptoms are significant indicators that something is not right. Observing any hostility or changes in behavior by colleagues can also aid in the detection of these symptoms.

Gutiérrez stresses the importance of consulting with a psychologist if these signs are observed. One profound manifestation of these symptoms is burnout, wherein professionals progressively experience exhaustion from work. Factors such as the nature of their work, unmet expectations, and an increasingly dehumanized approach towards patients contribute to the immense strain experienced by healthcare workers.

Problematic working conditions further exacerbate the situation, according to Gutiérrez. The rotational shift system disrupts normal biological rhythms, making it challenging for healthcare workers to plan leisure activities and maintain continuity. Additionally, the abuse faced from patients and shortcomings within the healthcare system contribute to the deterioration of mental well-being. Poor remuneration, lack of recognition, and reduced quality of care have led to a reduced level of engagement among healthcare professionals.

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Notably, mobbing, or workplace harassment, is a prevalent issue faced by healthcare professionals. Gutiérrez emphasizes that this issue remains highly taboo and often goes unpunished. It is crucial to implement harassment protocols and thorough internal investigations to provide support to victims and incentivize appropriate consequences for harassers. Furthermore, fostering solidarity among colleagues is essential to ensure a supportive work environment.

Gutiérrez advocates for the establishment of specific units within hospitals to detect, prevent, and intervene in the mental health of healthcare professionals. These units would address not only work-related mental health issues but also personal challenges like grief or bipolar disorder. Similar units have already been implemented successfully in other European countries, such as the United Kingdom.

As with any health-related concerns, it is recommended that readers consult with healthcare professionals despite the information provided in this article, as it has been edited and prepared by journalists.

In conclusion, the mental health challenges faced by healthcare professionals have come under intense scrutiny in recent years. The pandemic has exacerbated these challenges, prompting a necessary discussion on addressing the mental well-being of these individuals.

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